A PostCSS plugin to enable CSS Custom Properties (CSS variables).
- Custom property definitions can use variables.
- Works with postcss-import plugin when this plugin is defined after it in the chain.
- Works with postcss-color-function plugin when this plugin is defined before it in the chain.
This will only work as the spec sets out if you define
your custom properties on :root
. See the following
discussions on pre-processing CSS properties from the
postcss-custom-properties plugin repository:
npm install postcss-custom-props
import atImport from 'postcss-import';
import colorFunction from 'postcss-color-function';
import customProps from 'postcss-custom-props';
export default {
postcss: [
/* config.css */
:root {
--brand-color: #f05;
/* component.css */
@import "./config.css";
:root {
--compoment-bg-color: var( --brand-color );
--component-font-color: color( var( --brand-color ) lighten( 30% ));
.component {
background-color: var( --compoment-bg-color );
color: var( --component-font-color );
.component {
background-color: #f05;
color: #fcd;