Everything you need to get RAG into your application as quick as possible. Go from Wordpress blog posts to a fully functional RAG system in minutes.
First, add your database url to the .env
file or set it in your environment. You can use the .env.example
file as a template.
Next, generate your chunks (to be embedded later) from your wordpress blog:
cd backend/scrape
pipenv install
pipenv run python scrape.py https://your-wordpress-blog.com/feed/
Then, run the following commands to set up the database:
pipenv install
pipenv run python migrate.py up
pipenv run python import.py scrape/scrapes/scraped.json
Run the node cli to load embeddings for your imported data:
cd backend/embed
npm install
npm run load posts # The last argument is a "namespace", which is used to separate embeddings for different types of data
Finally, run the backend server:
cd backend/api
npm install
npm run dev