We have released 4 one minute long videos of people driving cars in the videos/ folder.
They were recorded with an EON Dashcam DevKit
We believe driver monitoring is one of the keys to safely ramping up to full self driving cars.
We wrote a lot more on our medium
Your goal:
- Track their face
- Then, track their eyes
- Then, if you are bored, track their emotional state
Annotate your tracking nicely on the video and do a writeup with pictures.
Feel free to fork this and just show off your solution on your GitHub. Or, when done, apply for a job here at [email protected]
We are hiring a full time "Driving Monitoring Engineer" to come join us in our lovely SF office, and when you apply, we'll ask that you complete this challenge.
If you are looking for a harder non-subjective challenge, try the speed prediction challenge
Goal is to predict the speed of the car from video. Train and test set included.