Web application to control user journeys that lookup company details directly then proceed on to complete a specific journey. This application is written using the Spring Boot Java framework.
In order to run the Service locally you'll need the following installed on your machine:
To start using this service you need to hit the following URL: ENVIRONMENT/company-lookup/search?forward=FORWARDING_URL
Name | Description | Mandatory |
ENVIRONMENT | The URL for the environment you are currently deploying to. | ✓ |
FORWARDING_URL | The path the user will be forwarded to after the search has been completed and the normal journey continues. | ✓ |
The code present in this repository is used to define and deploy a dockerised container in AWS ECS. This is done by calling a module from terraform-modules. Application specific attributes are injected and the service is then deployed using Terraform via the CICD platform 'Concourse'.
Application specific attributes | Value | Description |
ECS Cluster | public-data | ECS cluster (stack) the service belongs to |
Load balancer | {env}-chs-chgovuk | The load balancer that sits in front of the service |
Concourse pipeline | Pipeline link Pipeline code |
Concourse pipeline link in shared services |
- Please refer to the ECS Development and Infrastructure Documentation for detailed information on the infrastructure being deployed.
- Ensure the terraform runner local plan executes without issues. For information on terraform runners please see the Terraform Runner Quickstart guide.
- If you encounter any issues or have questions, reach out to the team on the #platform slack channel.
- Any secrets required for this service will be stored in Vault. For any updates to the Vault configuration, please consult with the #platform team and submit a workflow request.