API service for submitting Confirmation Statements to CHIPS
In order to run the service locally you will need the following:
To checkout and build the service:
- Clone Docker CHS Development and follow the steps in the README.
- Run chs-dev modules enable confirmation-statement
- Run chs-dev development enable confirmation-statement-api
- Manually enable the following services:
- chs-dev services enable company-appointments-api-ch-gov-uk
- company-metrics-api
- psc-data-api
- psc-statement-data-api
- chs-delta-api
- resource-change-publisher
- stream-router
- company-appointments-consumer
- Run docker using "chs-dev up" in the docker-chs-development directory.
- Run "chs-dev status" to check all required services are running and healthy
- Open your browser and go to page http://chs.local/confirmation-statement/
These instructions are for a local docker environment.
The full path for each public endpoints that requires a transaction id begins with the app url:
Method | Path | Description |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id} |
Returns confirmation-statement based on confirmationStatementId |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id}/validation-status |
Returns flags to indicate that all required tasks are complete |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id}/costs |
Returns the payment amount required to submit |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id}/active-director-details" |
Returns data to present to the user |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id}/persons-of-significant-control |
Returns data to present to the user |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id}/register-locations |
Returns data to present to the user |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id}/shareholders |
Returns data to present to the user |
GET | /{confirmation_statement_id}/statement-of-capital |
Returns data to present to the user |
POST | / |
Creates the confirmation statement |
POST | /{confirmation_statement_id} |
Updates the confirmation statement |
For filing:
Method | Path | Description |
GET | {confirmation_statement_id}/filings |
Returns filing data required for the CHIPS filing backend |
For company endpoints:
Method | Path | Description |
GET | /eligibility |
Check company is eligible for filing |
GET | /next-made-up-to-date |
Get due date |
Private company endpoint to retrieve registered email address:
Method | Path | Description |
GET | /registered-email-address |
Returns company's registered email address |
The code present in this repository is used to define and deploy a dockerised container in AWS ECS. This is done by calling a module from terraform-modules. Application specific attributes are injected and the service is then deployed using Terraform via the CICD platform 'Concourse'.
Application specific attributes | Value | Description |
ECS Cluster | filing-maintain | ECS cluster (stack) the service belongs to |
Load balancer | {env}-chs-apichgovuk {env}-chs-apichgovuk-private |
The load balancer that sits in front of the service |
Concourse pipeline | Pipeline link Pipeline code |
Concourse pipeline link in shared services |
- Please refer to the ECS Development and Infrastructure Documentation for detailed information on the infrastructure being deployed.
- Ensure the terraform runner local plan executes without issues. For information on terraform runners please see the Terraform Runner Quickstart guide.
- If you encounter any issues or have questions, reach out to the team on the #platform slack channel.
- Any secrets required for this service will be stored in Vault. For any updates to the Vault configuration, please consult with the #platform team and submit a workflow request.