In this project, we will use a real-world dataset, extracted from Kaggle, on San Francisco crime incidents, and we will provide statistical analyses of the data using Apache Spark Structured Streaming. We will create a Kafka server to produce data, and ingest data through Spark Structured Streaming.
- Spark 2.4.3
- Scala 2.11.x
- Java 1.8.x
- Kafka build with Scala 2.11.x
- Python 3.6.x or 3.7.x
to install project requirements. If you use pip rather than conda, then usepip install -r requirements.txt
Start zookeeper server:
/usr/bin/zookeeper-server-start config/
Open a new terminal and start kafka server:
/usr/bin/ config/
Open a new terminal and run
Open a new terminal and start kafka-consumer-console:
/usr/bin/kafka-consumer-console --bootstrap-server localhost:9091 --topic service.calls --from-beginning
Run spark job:
spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.3.4 --master local[*]
- How did changing values on the SparkSession property parameters affect the throughput and latency of the data?
Kafka emits at the rate of 1/second and with the current sparkSession allowing maxOffsetsPerTrigger=200, changing property parameters will not make a noticeable difference of performace due to the size of the dataset.
- What were the 2-3 most efficient SparkSession property key/value pairs? Through testing multiple variations on values, how can you tell these were the most optimal?
Properties: spark.sql.shuffle.partitions spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition spark.default.parallelism
To determine if we have reached the optimal group of the above property values we will need to reach the largest possible processedRowsPerSecond.