在本地启动ganache应用,设置端口为 8545。
中安装需要的依赖,运行如下的命令:npm install
中编译合约,运行如下的命令:npx hardhat compile
修改 hardhat.config.ts,添加 ganache 网络:
networks: { ganache: { // rpc url, change it according to your ganache configuration url: '', accounts: [ // your accounts ] }, }
部署合约到 ganache 网络中:
npx hardhat run .\scripts\deploy.ts --network ganache
中{ "BMR": your address, "myERC20": your address }
中安装需要的依赖,运行如下的命令:npm install
中启动前端程序,运行如下的命令:npm run start
项目支持合约发行房屋,每个 NFT 代表一栋房屋。同时用户可以免费领域两个房屋 NFT。
// House Struct struct House { address owner; // 房屋拥有者 uint256 tokenId; // 房屋的 tokenId bool isListed; // 房屋是否挂单销售 uint256 listedStartTimestamp; // 房屋的挂单开始时间 uint256 price; // 房屋的价格 bool token; // 使用 ETH 还是 ERC20 } // 设置 tokenId 与 具体房屋的对应关系 mapping(uint256 => House) public houses; // 设置已领取用户状态,已领取过房屋的用户不能重复领取 mapping(address => bool) public initUsers; // 发行房屋,并分配给指定的地址 function mint(address to) internal { _safeMint(to, _tokenIdCounter); houses[_tokenIdCounter] = House(to, _tokenIdCounter, false, 0, 0); _tokenIdCounter++; console.log("Total houses: %s", _tokenIdCounter); } // 用户领取房屋,一次领取两个房屋 function initUserHouse() external { require(!initUsers[msg.sender], "User already initialized"); // mint 2 houses for user mint(msg.sender); mint(msg.sender); initUsers[msg.sender] = true; // 设置已领取房屋 console.log("Initialized user: %s", msg.sender); }
const onGetInitHouse = async () => { if(account === '') { alert('You have not connected wallet yet.') return } if (BMR_Contract) { try { // 首先查看本账号是否已经领取房屋 const result = await BMR_Contract.methods.initUsers(account).call(); setIsInit(result); // 如果已经领取,则直接返回 if (result) { alert('You have already got the initial house.') return } // 若没领取,则初始化自己的房屋 await BMR_Contract.methods.initUserHouse().send({ from: account }) // 同时初始化自己的房屋信息 const hs = await BMR_Contract.methods.getMyHouses().call({ from: account }) // 更新状态 updateMyHouses(draft => { draft.length = 0 draft.push(...hs) }) setIsInit(true) alert("You have got the initial house.") } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message) } } else { alert('Contract not exists.') } }
支持用户使用 ETH 兑换 ERC20 代币,目前是 1:1的兑换比例
contract MyERC20 is ERC20 { constructor() ERC20("MyERC20", "ME2") { } // 兑换代币 function exchangeERC20() external payable { uint256 amount = msg.value / 1 ether; // 1 token per ETH _mint(msg.sender, amount); } }
const onExchangeERC20 = async (num: number) => { if(account === '') { alert('You have not connected wallet yet.') return } if (myERC20Contract) { try { // 1 ETH 兑换 1 个 ERC20 代币 const n = web3.utils.toWei(num.toString(), 'ether') // 1 eth for 1 erc20 // 申请兑换 await myERC20Contract.methods.exchangeERC20().send({ from: account, value: n }) // 更新代币信息 updateInfo() alert('You have exchanged the house.') } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message) } } else { alert('Contract not exists.') } }
// 查看用户自己的房产 function getMyHouses() external view returns(House[] memory) { uint256 balance = balanceOf(msg.sender); // 得到用户房产的数量 House[] memory myHouses = new House[](balance); // 使用房产数量初始化房产数组 if (balance == 0) { return myHouses; } // 遍历所有房产,储存用户自己的房产 uint256 j = 0; for (uint256 i=0; i < _tokenIdCounter; i++) { if (ownerOf(i) == msg.sender) { myHouses[j] = houses[i]; j++; } } return myHouses; }
const onGetMyHouse = async () => { if(account === '') { alert('You have not connected wallet yet.') return } if (BMR_Contract) { try { // 得到自己的房产列表 const hs = await BMR_Contract.methods.getMyHouses().call({ from: account }) // 更新房产 updateMyHouses(draft => { draft.length = 0 draft.push(...hs) }) } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message) } } else { alert('Contract not exists.') } }
// 挂单出售房产,输入为房产的 tokenId, 挂单价格(ERC20 or ETH), 是否使用 ERC20 function listHouse(uint256 tokenId, uint256 price, bool token) external returns (House memory) { require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, "You are not the owner of this house"); require(houses[tokenId].owner != address(0), "House does not exist"); require(price > 0, "Price must be greater than 0"); require(!houses[tokenId].isListed, "House is already listed"); // 设置挂单出售 houses[tokenId].isListed = true; houses[tokenId].price = price; houses[tokenId].token = token; houses[tokenId].listedStartTimestamp = block.timestamp; emit HouseListed(tokenId, price, msg.sender); return houses[tokenId]; } // 取消挂单出售房产 function unListHouse(uint256 tokenId) external returns (House memory) { require(ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender, "You are not the owner of this house"); require(houses[tokenId].isListed, "House is not listed"); // 设置取消挂单 houses[tokenId].isListed = false; houses[tokenId].price = 0; houses[tokenId].token = false; houses[tokenId].listedStartTimestamp = 0; emit HouseUnlisted(tokenId); return houses[tokenId]; }
const onListHouse = async (tokenId:number, price: number) => { if(account === '') { alert('You have not connected wallet yet.') return } if (BMR_Contract) { try { if (token) { // 如果是 ERC20 await BMR_Contract.methods.listHouse(tokenId, price, token).send({ from: account }) } else{ // 如果是 ETH // 将 ETH 转化成 Wei const wei_price = web3.utils.toWei(price.toString(), 'ether') await BMR_Contract.methods.listHouse(tokenId, wei_price, token).send({ from: account }) } // 更新 house 和 listing house 的状态 updateInfo() alert('You have listed the house.') } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message) } } else { alert('Contract not exists.') } } const onUnListHouse = async (tokenId:number) => { if(account === '') { alert('You have not connected wallet yet.') return } if (BMR_Contract) { try { // 取消挂单 await BMR_Contract.methods.unListHouse(tokenId).send({ from: account }) // 更新 houses 和 listing houses 的状态 updateInfo() alert('You have unlisted the house.') } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message) } } else { alert('Contract not exists.') } }
// 查询所有的出售房产 function getTotalListingHouses() external view returns(House[] memory) { // 得到所有出售房产的数量 uint256 listNum = 0; for (uint256 i=0; i < _tokenIdCounter; i++) { if (houses[i].isListed) { listNum++; } } // 初始化数组,并遍历所有出售房产,进行赋值 House[] memory listingHouses = new House[](listNum); uint256 j = 0; for (uint256 i=0; i < _tokenIdCounter; i++) { if (houses[i].isListed) { listingHouses[j] = houses[i]; j++; } } return listingHouses; }
const onGetTotalListingHouses = async () => { if(account === '') { alert('You have not connected wallet yet.') return } if (BMR_Contract) { try { // 得到所有的出售房产 const lhs = await BMR_Contract.methods.getTotalListingHouses().call({ from: account }) // 更新 listing houses 的状态 updateListingHouses(draft => { draft.length = 0 draft.push(...lhs) }) } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message) } } else { alert('Contract not exists.') } } // 显示挂单房屋的主人以及其挂单房屋的信息 <Modal title="查询信息" open={isQueryModalOpen} onOk={handleQueryCancel} onCancel={handleQueryCancel}> <p>户主:{selectedHouse?.owner}</p> <p>户主出售的房产:</p> {listingHouses.map((h: any, index: number) => { if (selectedHouse?.owner === h.owner) { return <p>房屋ID: {h?.tokenId}</p> } else { return <> </> } })} </Modal>
// 用户使用 ETH 购买房产,tokenId 为购买房产的 Id,用户传递价格到 msg.value 中进行交易 function buyHouse(uint256 tokenId) external payable returns (House memory) { require(houses[tokenId].isListed, "House is not listed"); require(houses[tokenId].price > 0 && houses[tokenId].listedStartTimestamp > 0, "House price and listedStartTimestamp need to be bigger than 0"); require(ownerOf(tokenId) != msg.sender, "You are the owner of this house"); require(msg.value >= houses[tokenId].price, "Insufficient funds"); // 得到房产的原主人,挂单价格和挂单时长 address owner = houses[tokenId].owner; uint256 price = houses[tokenId].price; uint256 listingTimestamp = block.timestamp - houses[tokenId].listedStartTimestamp; // 计算手续费,手续费为挂单价格的百分之一乘以挂单时长(按分钟计时) uint256 fee = listingTimestamp / 60 * price * feeRate / 100; // 设置最大手续费 uint256 maxFee = price * feeRate * 20 / 100; if (fee > maxFee) { fee = maxFee; } // 支付 ETH payable(platform).transfer(fee); payable(owner).transfer(price - fee); // 房产所有权转移 _transfer(owner, msg.sender, tokenId); // 更新房产信息 houses[tokenId].owner = msg.sender; houses[tokenId].isListed = false; houses[tokenId].price = 0; houses[tokenId].listedStartTimestamp = 0; emit HouseBought(tokenId, price / 1 ether, msg.sender); return houses[tokenId]; } // 用户使用 ERC20 购买房产,tokenId 为购买房产的 Id function buyHouseByERC20(uint256 tokenId) external payable returns (House memory) { require(houses[tokenId].isListed, "House is not listed"); require(houses[tokenId].price > 0 && houses[tokenId].listedStartTimestamp > 0, "House price and listedStartTimestamp need to be bigger than 0"); require(ownerOf(tokenId) != msg.sender, "You are the owner of this house"); address owner = houses[tokenId].owner; uint256 price = houses[tokenId].price; // 检测用户 ERC20 是否满足价格 require(myERC20.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= price, "Insufficient ERC20 balance"); // 支付 ERC20 myERC20.transferFrom(msg.sender, owner, price); // 房产所有权转移 _transfer(owner, msg.sender, tokenId); houses[tokenId].owner = msg.sender; houses[tokenId].isListed = false; houses[tokenId].price = 0; houses[tokenId].token = false; houses[tokenId].listedStartTimestamp = 0; emit HouseBought(tokenId, price, msg.sender); return houses[tokenId]; }
const onBuyHouse = async (tokenId: number, price: number, token: boolean) => { if(account === '') { alert('You have not connected wallet yet.') return } if (BMR_Contract) { try { if (token) { // 如果使用 ERC 20 购买 // 对转移的代币数量进行授权 await myERC20Contract.methods.approve(BMR_Contract.options.address, price).send({ from: account }) // 购买房屋 await BMR_Contract.methods.buyHouseByERC20(tokenId).send({ from: account }) } else{ // 如果使用 ETH 购买 // 购买房屋 await BMR_Contract.methods.buyHouse(tokenId).send({ from: account, value: price }) } // 更新信息 updateInfo() alert('You have bought the house.') } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message) } } else { alert('Contract not exists.') } }
- 连接账号界面,输入密码,登录 MetaMask。
领取初始房屋界面。MetaMaster 会弹出交易请求,之后涉及到改变链的操作时(send),均会弹出该交易请求,所以在之后中不再进行截图。
对房屋ID 为 6 的房产,点击上架后,设置出售金额为 5 ERC20。当然也可以选择 ETH 进行出售。
然后点击房产交易,可以看到我们的房产已经挂单出售了。可以在房产处看到房屋ID,房屋价格(ETH 或 ERC20)和挂单时间。
我们此时使用的是 Account 6,我们查看钱包或者 ganache,来查看所有账户的余额信息,此时我们准备购买房屋ID 为 4 的房产,其属于 Account 3。
我们点击购买房屋ID 为 4 的房产,并确认购买。
购买完成后,可以发现账户余额发生了变化。由于 Ganache 默认部署合约的用户是 Account 1 ,所以我们的手续费会被转移到 Account 1中,所以 Account 1 的余额增加了一部分。而 Account 6 的余额减少了 15 ETH,Account 3 的余额增加了 15 ETH 减去手续费的部分。
- 课程的参考Demo见:DEMOs。
- 代码框架参考:blockchain-course-demos/demo-lottery-application at master · LBruyne/blockchain-course-demos
- 快速实现 ERC721 和 ERC20:模版。记得安装相关依赖
"@openzeppelin/contracts": "^5.0.0"
。 - 如何实现ETH和ERC20的兑换? 参考讲解