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Automatically load Azure Cost Management data in to Azure Data Explorer.


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This ARM template creates an environment for automatically ingesting Azure usage data in to an Azure Data Explorer cluster. This is useful in large accounts with millions of usage records that need to be explored and/or processed. It is also useful for any size account where custom processing is required for cost allocation and allotment beyond what is possible in the Cost Management portal with tags, scopes, and other discriminators.

The pipeline compresses and stores the Usage Detail v2 CSV data in to a storage account for archival purposes and loads it to Azure Data Explorer for online analysis.

Using the Data

This database is meant to be used with the azmeta ecosystem of tools such as an azmeta-codespace.

You can also connect to your new azmeta database using Azure Monitor's Workbooks and Azure Data Explorer's own native tools such as the Azure Data Explorer Web UI, Azure Data Studio, Kusto Explorer, or the Kusto CLI.


Currently the Enterprise Agreement billing account type are supported. The new Microsoft Customer Agreement type is not yet supported.


The system consists of an Azure Data Explorer cluster, an Azure Data Factory instance, and a storage account. An admin using a command line tool or Azure Cost Management automatic export push usage data in to blob containers in the storage account. Azure Data Factory will automatically push new data in to Azure Data Explorer as it arrives in the blob containers.


Data Flows

Usage data for a closed billing period will be automatically imported in to Azure Data Explorer once it is exported by the Azure Cost Management on the 5th day of the month. This data will be imported in to the Usage table and is considered an immutable record. This Azure Data Factory pipeline will compress and archive the usage data in the storage account before it is loaded to Azure Data Explorer.

Month-to-date usage data for the currently open billing period will be automatically import on a nightly schedule as it exported. This data will be imported in to the UsagePreliminary table and all records are subject to change until the billing period has closed.

Each month, after the closed version of a month has been committed to the Usage table, the open version of that month will be dropped from the UsagePreliminary table. The UsagePreliminary table is a sliding window of open billing data. For example:

On 2020-02-28:
  Usage contains closed billing months:   ... [2019-11] [2019-12] [2020-01]
  UsagePreliminary contain open billing days: [2020-02-01 - 2020-02-27]
On 2020-03-01:
  Usage contains closed billing months:   ... [2019-11] [2019-12] [2020-01]
  UsagePreliminary contain open billing days: [2020-02-01 - 2020-02-28]
On 2020-03-04:
  Usage contains closed billing months:   ... [2019-11] [2019-12] [2020-01]
  UsagePreliminary contain open billing days: [2020-02-01 - 2020-02-28] [2020-03-01 - 2020-03-03]
On 2020-03-05:
  Usage contains closed billing months:   ... [2019-11] [2019-12] [2020-01] [2020-02]
  UsagePreliminary contain open billing days: [2020-03-01 - 2020-03-04]
On 2020-03-08:
  Usage contains closed billing months:   ... [2019-11] [2019-12] [2020-01] [2020-02]
  UsagePreliminary contain open billing days: [2020-03-01 - 2020-03-07]

If you are writing queries that should only deal with closed billing data, simply query against the Usage table. If you would like to write queries that span closed and open data you can join the tables:

| union UsagePreliminary 
| summarize sum(CostInBillingCurrency) by Date


This process requires an Azure subscription, resource group, and service principal in the same Azure tenant as the users with access to the billing account.


  • A subscription with the resource providers Microsoft.Storage, Microsoft.ContainerInstance, and Microsoft.EventGrid already registered. Register the providers.
  • A resource group is required to deploy in to. Create a resource group. You must have 'Owner' rights on the resource group.
  • A user-assigned managed identity is required during deployment. Create a user-assigned managed identity. This can be created in the resource group mentioned above, however it is not required to be located there. This resource can be deleted after deployment of the template is complete.
    • The identity must have 'Contributor' or higher rights on the resource group being deployed to.
    • The identity must have 'Managed Identity Operator' or higher rights on the resource group it belongs to (if it is not located in the resource group being deployed to).
  • A service principal with a password/key is required for Azure Data Factory to connect to Azure Data Explorer. Create a service principal. Azure Data Factory does not currently support connecting Azure Data Explorer via managed identity.

Deploy the ARM Template

Deploy azuredeploy.json from the root of this git repository using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI, or PowerShell.

Parameter Reference

Name Description
kustoIngestClientId Required: The client/app id (not object id) for the service principal that the data factory will use to connect to Kusto.
kustoIngestClientSecret Required: The client secret for the service principal that the data factory will use to connect to Kusto.
deploymentIdentity Required: The resource id of the user-assigned managed identity resource to use during deployment. Example /subscriptions/{GUID}/resourcegroups/{GROUP_NAME}/ providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{NAME}
kustoClusterName Globally unique name for the Kusto cluster. Lowercase letters and numbers. Start with letter. 4-22 characters.
kustoDatabaseName Name for the azmeta database in your Kusto cluster.
storageAccountName Globally unique name for the storage account. Lowercase letters and numbers. 3-24 characters.
dataFactoryName Globally unique name for the data factory. Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric. 3-63 characters.
preProduction Deploy for pre-production use. Uses development (no-SLA) SKU for Azure Data Explorer.
updating Set to true if redeploying the template. Data Factory trigger resources can not be redeployed while they are enabled.
_artifactsLocation The base URI where artifacts required by this template are located including a trailing '/'. This defaults to the latest release artifact location in GitHub. You may choose to mirror these artifacts for security/audit reasons. Use this parameter to provide your mirror.

Azure CLI Tutorial

This tutorial assumes you are using Bash. If you are not using the Azure Cloud Shell, sign in to Azure CLI with az login.

Ensure the correct subscription is the default (az account show). You can change the default with az account set -s ....

# Basic Info
SUB_ID=$(az account show --query id -o tsv)

# Ensure the subscription is ready
az provider register -n 'Microsoft.Storage' --wait
az provider register -n 'Microsoft.ContainerInstance' --wait
az provider register -n 'Microsoft.EventGrid' --wait
az provider register -n 'Microsoft.CostManagementExports' --wait

# Create the RG
az group create -n $RG_NAME -l $LOCATION

# Create the service principal for Kusto access
read -d "\n" -r SP_AID SP_SECRET \
  <<<$(az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "http://azmetapipeline-test-sp" --skip-assignment --query "[appId,password]" -o tsv)

# Create the user assigned managed identity
read -d "\n" -r MUID_RID MUID_PID \
  <<<$(az identity create -g $RG_NAME -n "deploy-muid" --query "[id,principalId]" -o tsv)

# Grant the user assigned managed identity access to the RG
# May need a few seconds after last command due to AAD eventual consistency
az role assignment create --assignee $MUID_PID --role "Contributor" \
  --scope "/subscriptions/$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$RG_NAME"

# Deploy the template
az deployment group create -g $RG_NAME \
  --template-uri "" \
  --parameters \
  "deploymentIdentity=$MUID_RID" \
  "kustoIngestClientId=$SP_AID" \
  "kustoIngestClientSecret=@"<(echo $SP_SECRET)

PowerShell Tutorial

Ensure the correct subscription is the default (Get-AzContext). You can change the default with Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName ....

# Basic Info

# Ensure the subscription is ready
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Storage"
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.ContainerInstance"
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.EventGrid"

# Create the RG
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $RG_NAME -Location $LOCATION

# Create the service principal for Kusto access
$SP = New-AzADServicePrincipal -SkipAssignment
$SP | Update-AzADServicePrincipal -IdentifierUri "http://azmetapipeline-test-sp"

# Create the user assigned managed identity
$MUID = New-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $RG_NAME -Name "deploy-muid"

# Grant the user assigned managed identity access to the RG
# May need a few seconds after last command due to AAD eventual consistency
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $MUID.PrincipalId -ResourceGroup $RG_NAME -RoleDefinitionName "Contributor"

# Deploy the template
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
  -ResourceGroupName $RG_NAME `
  -TemplateUri "" `
  -TemplateParameterObject @{
    deploymentIdentity = $MUID.Id
    kustoIngestClientId = $SP.ApplicationId
    kustoIngestClientSecret = $SP.Secret 

Post Installation

Once the template deployment is complete, you can configure automatic data loading in the next section or manually load data with azmpcli.

Configure Exports in Cost Management

Two export rules need to be created in the Cost Management Exports blade: one for the closed (or "final") billing period and one for the open (or "preliminary") billing period. The user that creates the export rules needs to be a contributor over the billing scope and on the storage account (that was created by the template deployment above). If the scope is then entire Enterprise Agreement the user must at least be assigned Read-only Enterprise Admin in the EA portal.

Within 5 to 10 minutes of new data being exported in to your storage account, you should see the data appearing in your Azure Data Explorer tables.

Azure Portal

Create 2 export rules in the portal with the exact configuration shown below (including the name). Use the new storage account deployed by the ARM template.

Final Amortized


Preliminary Amortized


Azure CLI

The Azure CLI Cost Management extension does not support the neccessary API version at this time. The Azure CLI rest command can be used to call the Cost Management REST APIs.

Replace the EA_NUMBER with your EA enrollment number below. Replace STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID with the full resource ID of the azmeta storage account created by the template above.

# Basic Info

# Create the finalamortized rule
FROM_MONTH=$(date $([[ $(date +%-d) -ge 5 ]] && echo "-d +1month") "+%Y-%m")
az rest --method put --body "@-" \
  --uri "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/${EA_NUMBER}/providers/Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/finalamortized?api-version=2020-06-01" \
  <<- EOF
    "properties": {
        "schedule": {
            "status": "Active",
            "recurrence": "Monthly",
            "recurrencePeriod": {
                "from": "${FROM_MONTH}-05T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "2050-01-05T00:00:00Z"
        "format": "Csv",
        "deliveryInfo": {
            "destination": {
                "resourceId": "${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID}",
                "container": "usage-final",
                "rootFolderPath": "export"
        "definition": {
            "type": "AmortizedCost",
            "timeframe": "TheLastBillingMonth",
            "dataSet": {
                "granularity": "Daily"

# Create the preliminaryamortized rule
FROM_DAY=$(date -d "+1day" "+%Y-%m-%d")
az rest --method put --body "@-" \
  --uri "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/${EA_NUMBER}/providers/Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/preliminaryamortized?api-version=2020-06-01" \
  <<- EOF
    "properties": {
        "schedule": {
            "status": "Active",
            "recurrence": "Daily",
            "recurrencePeriod": {
                "from": "${FROM_DAY}T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "2050-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        "format": "Csv",
        "deliveryInfo": {
            "destination": {
                "resourceId": "${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID}",
                "container": "usage-preliminary",
                "rootFolderPath": "export"
        "definition": {
            "type": "AmortizedCost",
            "timeframe": "BillingMonthToDate",
            "dataSet": {
                "granularity": "Daily"


  • Delete the resource group.
  • Delete the deployment user-assigned managed identity (if it was created outside of the resource group).
  • Delete the deployment artifacts (if they were downloaded from GitHub and stored outside of the resource group).
  • Delete the service principal created for access to Azure Data Explorer.
  • Delete both export configurations in the Cost Management export blade.

Manual Data Loading

You may want to manually load data, for example to back-fill data from earlier billing periods. This can be accomplished with the azmpcli tool.

EA billing accounts use the EA Portal to assign roles. Because these roles can not currently be assigned to service principal (application identity), an EA admin user must use this tool.

This process requires an account that has:

  • Reader or higher access to any subscription in the EA.
  • Contributor or higher access to the storage account.
  • Enterprise Admin rights (read-only is sufficient) in the EA portal

Install the tool in the Azure Cloud Shell as described here.

To ingest the first 3 billing periods of 2020:

demo@Azure:~$ STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID="/subscriptions/{GUID}/resourceGroups/{GROUP_NAME}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{NAME}"
demo@Azure:~$ ./azmpcli -s "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID" 202001 202002 202003

You should see Queued all exports. after a few seconds. These exports should show up as onetime<GUID> in the Cost Management Exports blade. These can be deleted after the export completes, or retained for record keeping purposes. Once the exports are completed the Azure Data Factory pipelines will automatically ingest them in to the Usage table. Do not manually ingest a billing period that already exists in Usage. It will create duplicate records.

If you have access to multiple EA billing accounts you must specify the EA account number as shown below. If you do not specify any billing period names, the tool will automatically select the latest closed billing period.

demo@Azure:~$ EA_NUMBER="00000000"
demo@Azure:~$ ./azmpcli -a "$EA_NUMBER" -s "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID"

Cross-Tenant Data Loading

You can load data even if you've deployed the template to a subscription in a seperate Azure AD tenant from the EA billing account.

Create a storage account in a subscription that is tied to the Azure AD tenant where the data is being exported. For one-time loads use AzCopy or the Azure CLI to copy the container contents to the usage-final container in the storage account deployed by the template. The naming structure within the source container must be preserved. The azmeta Azure Data Factory pipeline will automatically ingest the copied blobs.

For longer-term operation, use Azure Data Factory to automatically copy new files over to the azmeta storage account.


Automatically load Azure Cost Management data in to Azure Data Explorer.







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  • Python 92.1%
  • Shell 7.9%