module "enrichment_org_iam" {
source = ""
organization_id = "987654321"
custom_org_role_id = "corelight_enrichment_role"
module "enrichment" {
source = ""
location = "us-central1"
zone = "us-central1-a"
project_id = "project-12345"
enrichment_bucket_name = "enrichment-data-54321"
folder_id = "123456789" # The root folder to enumerate
service_account_id = "enrichment-service-account"
organization_role_id = module.enrichment_org_iam.custom_org_role_id
labels = {
terraform : true,
example : true,
purpose : "Corelight"
The variables for this module all have default values that can be overwritten to meet your naming and compliance standards.
Deployment examples can be found here.
The project is licensed under the MIT license.