Originally hacked up with the primary purpose of annoying all the interns on the chat channel and the secondary purpose of providing some useful tools to expedite the ramp-up process.
Message me if you have any questions. If you're reading this, you have access to this private repo anyway, so feel free to commit changes as you see fit.
NOTE: All commands can be sent in either the channel internbot is residing in or via private message (/msg internbot <cmd>
or /query internbot
to open a chat)
Commands Listing
internbot commands
WHOIS-type lookups
whois <irc user> face <irc user>
bro me add bro <bro name>
Normal chanmod stuff
op <irc user> deop <irc user>
Hatred stuff
will voice everybody but the user being punished, then mute the channel. Neutralize reverses.punish <irc user> neutralize
internbot stfu internbot wtfu internbot gtfo
Bro mod
ice bro <bro name that sucks the big donker>
make me a <sammich> say <whatever you want it to say>