If you enjoy using hackmd to build your exam. Just use hackmd, next download your exam as a html brut from your hackmd instance. Upload the resulting html file on this form.
Next, you can ask to print 2 pdf using Ctrl + P or Cmd +P.
Tip 1: In your hackmd, you can directly include svg like the following to create your box for the answer. The width of a page is 604px. The height is 800px.
<svg width="604" height="310">
<rect width="604" height="310" style="fill:rgb(255,255,255);stroke-width:1;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />
Tip 2: You can use task to create your QCM:
- [ ] good
- [ ] bad
- [ ] ...
Tip 3: You can force page break in using horizontal line.
Tip 4: And you can use all the great feature of hackmd