This repository is the official implementation of Linking In-context Learning in Transformers to Human Episodic Memory.
Understanding connections between artificial and biological intelligent systems can reveal fundamental principles of general intelligence. While many artificial intelligence (AI) models have a neuroscience counterpart, such connections are largely missing in Transformer models and the self-attention mechanism. We examine the relationship between attention heads and human episodic memory. We focus on induction heads, which contribute to in-context learning in Transformer-based large language models (LLMs). We demonstrate that induction heads are behaviorally, functionally, and mechanistically similar to the contextual maintenance and retrieval (CMR) model of human episodic memory. Our analyses of LLMs pre-trained on extensive text data show that CMR-like heads often emerge in the intermediate-to-late model layers, qualitatively mirroring human memory biases. The ablation of CMR-like heads suggests their causal role in in-context learning. Our findings uncover a parallel between the computational mechanisms of LLMs and human memory, offering valuable insights into both research fields.
To install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For a quick demonstration of how attention heads in Transformer models share key features with human episodic memory, start from our Google Colab Demo Notebook. We used the GPT2-small model from TransformerLens to show
- CRP (Conditional Response Probability) analysis of attention heads
- Computing metrics for induction heads (induction-head matching score, copying score)
- Comparing induction heads to episodic retrieval mediated by a temporal context
To replicate the experiments, first obtain (1) the attention & head scores of pre-trained LLMs by running the Demo Notebook (some of them may take a couple of hours - check the paper appendix for details) and save them under saved_scores/<model_name>/
(e.g., saved_scores/gpt2-small/
), as well as (2) the CRPs produced by CMR by running
python src/
The command above may take a few days to complete; we have provided the results under saved_crps/
To visually examine individual attention heads in a model (e.g., Figure 5 and 6a in the paper), run
python src/ --save_dir <path_to_save_results> --all_head_scores <path_to_saved_scores>
The results (pdf) are assumed to be saved under /fig
, and the pre-computed head scores are assumed to be placed in /saved_scores
, so please only include the path relative to the respective folders.
For example, to fit and visualize all attention heads of the pre-trained GPT2-small model from TransformerLens library, make sure there is a directory called gpt2-small
under /figs
and run
python src/ --save_dir gpt2-small --all_head_scores gpt2-small/all_scores_gpt2_small.pkl
The file containing all GPT2-small head scores is /saved_scores/gpt2-small/all_scores_gpt2_small.pkl
and the results will be saved under /figs/gpt2-small/
This analysis provides the head-level fitting result on a specific model, which is most useful if you'd like to visually compare head scores and the fitted CRPs. It also visualizes the fitting outcome as a function of the relative layer position (e.g., Figure 6a) and induction head matching scores (e.g., Figure 5e). The next 3 sections introduces macro- and model-level analyses of attention heads.
To compare where in a model attention heads most likely exhibit a human-like asymmetric contiguity bias across multiple models (e.g., Figure 6b, c), make sure the directory /figs/cmp
exists and run
python src/ --model_size <model_size_1> <model_size_2> ...
if you are interested in the Pythia models. For example, python src/ --model_size 70m 160m 410m 1b
compares the smaller Pythia models (Pythia-70m-deduped-v0, Pythia-160m-deduped-v0, Pythia-410m-deduped-v0, Pythia-1b-deduped-v0; left panel of Figure 6b).
For all other models (i.e., Qwen-7B, Mistral-7B, Llama3-8B), make sure the directory /figs/cmp_xtra
exists and run
python src/ --models <model_name_1> <model_name_2> ...
To examine how the same model evolves over the course of training in terms of memory-related features (e.g., Figure 7b, Supplementary Figure S4), make sure the directory /figs/<model_name>
exists and run
python src/ --model_name <model_name>
For example, python src/ --model_name pythia-70m-deduped-v0
analyzes the Pythia-70m-deduped-v0 model at different training checkpoints by fitting each attention head to the CMR model. Note that this is only possible for Pythia models as other models are not checkpointed by TransformerLens.
To examine the memory-related features of top heads (e.g., Figure 7d-g, Supplementary Figure S5), make sure the directories /figs/selected
and /saved_top_heads
exist and run
python src/ --models <model_name_1> <model_name_2> ... --n_top <top_set_size_1> <top_set_size_2> ...
if you'd like to search across Pythia models. For example, python src/ --n_top 20 50 100 200
finds the top 20/50/100/200 CMR heads and induction heads across all Pythia models. You can also refer to /saved_top_heads/cmr_top_crp_fit.pkl
for the selections corresponding to the top 20, 50, 100, and 200 CMR-like heads, and /saved_top_heads/cmr_top_head_score.pkl
for the top induction heads.
For all other models (i.e., GPT2-small, Qwen-7B, Mistral-7B, Llama3-8B), run
python src/ --models <model_name_1> <model_name_2> ... --n_top <top_set_size_1> <top_set_size_2> ...
Once these scripts have been ran once, the selections should be saved to /saved_top_heads/
, which can be used to quickly generate the plots by running
python src/ --use_saved True
This analysis above compares Qwen-7B, Mistral-7B, and Llama3-8B (Figure. S6b-d).
Finally, to understand whether CMR-like heads may be causally relevant for a model's ICL performance, first replace the line
access_token = ""
with your huggingface access token. Make sure you have access to all models and the c4 dataset. Make sure the directory /saved_ablation
exists. Then run
python src/ --model_name <model_name>
to replicate the ablation experiment using a subset of the c4 dataset. This computes three ICL scores on each of the evaluation prompt:
- the original model ICL score
- the model ICL score as the result of ablating the top 10% CMR-like heads (identified by running the script mentioned in the section above on each individual model)
- the model ICL score as the result of randomly ablating the same number of attention heads
The individual ICL scores will be saved in /saved_ablation/<model_name>
. The statistical test results will be printed in the terminal. Please refer to our paper for experimental details.
The implemented <model_name>
includes gpt2-small
, qwen-7b
, pythia-70m
, ... pythia-12b
. Mistral-7b and Llama3-8b are not implemented because the dependent version of TransformerLens uses Grouped Query Attention, making ablation of individual attention heads impossible.
We used the pre-trained models from TransformerLens to generate the results in our paper, including
- GPT2-small
- Pythia-70m-deduped-v0
- Pythia-160m-deduped-v0
- Pythia-410m-deduped-v0
- Pythia-1b-deduped-v0
- Pythia-1.4b-deduped-v0
- Pythia-2.8b-deduped-v0
- Pythia-6.9b-deduped-v0
- Pythia-12b-deduped-v0
- Qwen-7b
- Mistral-7b
- Llama3-8b
We recommend citing this paper as follows (bibtex)
title={Linking In-context Learning in Transformers to Human Episodic Memory},
author={Li Ji-An and Corey Y Zhou and Marcus K Benna and Marcelo G Mattar},
booktitle= {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 38: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2024, December 10-15, 2024, Vancouver, BC, {Canada}},