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The npm package for the Official Cosmos chain registry

npm install chain-registry

A unified store of chains info, assets, asset lists, and IBC channels for the Cosmos ecosystem. Get everything from token symbols, logos, and IBC denominations for all assets you want to support in your application.


  • 🌐 Dynamic Loading via ChainRegistryClient - Utilize the client for dynamic data fetching.
  • 📦 Tree-Shaking Support - Optimize your bundles and include only what you need.
  • 🔌 Module Compatibility - Supports both CommonJS and ES Module formats, ensuring compatibility with various JavaScript environments and tools.
  • 🛠 Utilities for Working with Assets and Chains - Comprehensive tools to manage assets and chains efficiently.
  • 🌎 Pre-generated Asset Lists with IBC Denominations for All Chains - Access ready-to-use asset lists across all chains.
  • 🔄 Conversions for Keplr, Cosmostation - Easily convert data for use with Keplr and Cosmostation wallets.


⚠️ This repository now contains two versions of the chain-registry:

  • v1: The original version using snake_case naming conventions.
  • v2: The new, updated version using camelCase naming conventions based on developer feedback.

*We encourage developers to migrate to v2 for improved consistency and readability.


Using the chain-registry

Fetch data from chain-registry:

import { assets, chains, ibc } from 'chain-registry';

const assetList = assets.find(({chain_name})=>chain_name==='osmosis');


will output:

  '$schema': '../assetlist.schema.json',
  chain_name: 'osmosis',
  assets: [
      description: 'The native token of Osmosis',
      denom_units: [Array],
      base: 'uosmo',
      name: 'Osmosis',
      display: 'osmo',
      symbol: 'OSMO',
      logo_URIs: [Object],
      coingecko_id: 'osmosis'
      denom_units: [Array],
      base: 'uion',
      name: 'Ion',
      display: 'ion',
      symbol: 'ION',
      logo_URIs: [Object],
      coingecko_id: 'ion'

Using the @chain-registry/client for dynamic data

Dynamically fetch data:

import { ChainRegistryClient } from '@chain-registry/client';

// create an instance of ChainRegistryClient by passing in the chain names
const client = new ChainRegistryClient({
  chainNames: [

// chain info, assets and ibc data will be downloaded dynamically by invoking fetchUrls method
await client.fetchUrls();
// get chain data
const chain = client.getChain('osmosis');
// get asset list
const assetList = client.getChainAssetList('osmosis');
// get ibc data
const ibcData = client.getChainIbcData('osmosis');
// get asset list (including ibc assets)
const generatedAssetList = client.getGeneratedAssetLists('osmosis');

Tree-Shaking Imports from chain-registry

Tree-shaking is a modern JavaScript feature that allows for smaller bundle sizes by only including the code that is actually used in your project. The chain-registry package supports tree-shaking, ensuring that only the specified imports are included in your bundle. Below are examples of how to import different datasets according to your needs.

Importing Data from Mainnets, Testnets, and Devnets

You can directly import assets and chain information based on the network type - mainnet, testnet, or devnet. Here’s how you can import data for each network type:

  • Mainnet Chains and Assets
import { assets, chains } from 'chain-registry/mainnet';
  • Testnet Chains and Assets
import { assets, chains } from 'chain-registry/testnet';
  • Devnet Chains and Assets
import { assets, chains } from 'chain-registry/devnet';

Importing Specific Data from a Particular Chain

If you are interested in a specific chain, such as Osmosis on the mainnet, you can import data related to that particular chain only:

  • Chains and Assets from a Specific Mainnet Chain (e.g., Osmosis)
import { assets, chain } from 'chain-registry/mainnet/osmosis';
  • Only Assets from a Specific Mainnet Chain (e.g., Osmosis)
import assets from 'chain-registry/mainnet/osmosis/assets';
  • Only Chain Information from a Specific Mainnet Chain (e.g., Osmosis)
import chain from 'chain-registry/mainnet/osmosis/chain';

Importing Data from Non-Cosmos Chains

To include data from non-Cosmos chains, use the following import:

  • Assets from Non-Cosmos Chains
import { assets } from 'chain-registry/noncosmos';


An npm module for the Official chain-registry for the Cosmos ⚛️

A Client for chain-registry that allows you to dynamically fetch data.

Types for chain-registry.

Keplr integration for the chain-registry returning keplr's ChainInfo type from @chain-registry/types Chain type.

Asset lists for the Cosmos ⚛️

Chain Registry info for Osmosis, including asset lists.

Chain Registry info for Juno, including asset lists.

Utility functions for chain-registry.


Checkout the repository run yarn to initialize the workspace:

# Clone the repo.
git clone


yarn build


First, cd into the root folder of the project:

cd /your/path/to/chain-registry

Second, update the git submodules:

git submodule update --remote

Third, generate the code:

yarn codegen

Finally, commit and publish the code!

git commit -am "new registry updates"
lerna publish

Updating Submodule Data

Use the following Makefile commands to update the data in the submodules. These commands will ensure that your submodules are synchronized with their respective remote repositories.

  • update-registry: Updates the submodule to the latest commits of the cosmos/chain-registry repository. This should be used to pull the most current production data into your local environment.
make update-registry
  • update-fixtures: Updates the submodule to the latest commits of the cosmology-tech/chain-registry-fixtures repository. Use this for testing purposes to ensure that your tests are running against stable, controlled data sets.
make update-fixtures


Checkout these related projects:

  • @cosmology/telescope Your Frontend Companion for Building with TypeScript with Cosmos SDK Modules.
  • @cosmwasm/ts-codegen Convert your CosmWasm smart contracts into dev-friendly TypeScript classes.
  • chain-registry Everything from token symbols, logos, and IBC denominations for all assets you want to support in your application.
  • cosmos-kit Experience the convenience of connecting with a variety of web3 wallets through a single, streamlined interface.
  • create-cosmos-app Set up a modern Cosmos app by running one command.
  • interchain-ui The Interchain Design System, empowering developers with a flexible, easy-to-use UI kit.
  • starship Unified Testing and Development for the Interchain.


🛠 Built by Cosmology — if you like our tools, please consider delegating to our validator ⚛️



No developer or entity involved in creating this software will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of the code, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.