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simulation: Use a simulation.Account struct
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This removes privkeys and addresses from function signatures.
This comes with a 11% performance improvement to the simulator,
as we no longer keep recomputing the pubkeys.
Once we move the transient store clearing to endblock, we can
further raise the size of make test_sim_gaia_fast

concretely, `make test_sim_gaia_fast` went from 16.8 seconds to 13.5 seconds on my system.
  • Loading branch information
ValarDragon committed Sep 23, 2018
1 parent 6835adb commit bb624b3
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Showing 12 changed files with 151 additions and 124 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ BREAKING CHANGES
* [types] [\#2119]( Parsed error messages and ABCI log errors to make them more human readable.
* [simulation] Rename TestAndRunTx to Operation [#2153](
* [simulation] Remove log and testing.TB from Operation and Invariants, in favor of using errors \#2282
* [simulation] Remove usage of keys and addrs in the types, in favor of simulation.Account \#2384
* [tools] Removed gocyclo [#2211](
* [baseapp] Remove `SetTxDecoder` in favor of requiring the decoder be set in baseapp initialization. [#1441](
* [baseapp] [\#1921]( Add minimumFees field to BaseApp.
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions cmd/gaia/app/sim_test.go
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import (


dbm ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,14 +41,14 @@ func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&commit, "SimulationCommit", false, "Have the simulation commit")

func appStateFn(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress) json.RawMessage {
func appStateFn(r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account) json.RawMessage {
var genesisAccounts []GenesisAccount

// Randomly generate some genesis accounts
for _, acc := range accs {
coins := sdk.Coins{sdk.Coin{"steak", sdk.NewInt(100)}}
genesisAccounts = append(genesisAccounts, GenesisAccount{
Address: acc,
Address: acc.Address,
Coins: coins,
Expand All @@ -61,10 +60,10 @@ func appStateFn(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress) json
// XXX Try different numbers of initially bonded validators
numInitiallyBonded := int64(50)
for i := 0; i < int(numInitiallyBonded); i++ {
validator := stake.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(accs[i]), keys[i].PubKey(), stake.Description{})
validator := stake.NewValidator(sdk.ValAddress(accs[i].Address), accs[i].PubKey, stake.Description{})
validator.Tokens = sdk.NewDec(100)
validator.DelegatorShares = sdk.NewDec(100)
delegation := stake.Delegation{accs[i], sdk.ValAddress(accs[i]), sdk.NewDec(100), 0}
delegation := stake.Delegation{accs[i].Address, sdk.ValAddress(accs[i].Address), sdk.NewDec(100), 0}
validators = append(validators, validator)
delegations = append(delegations, delegation)
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21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions x/bank/simulation/msgs.go
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Expand Up @@ -18,19 +18,18 @@ import (
// SimulateSingleInputMsgSend tests and runs a single msg send, with one input and one output, where both
// accounts already exist.
func SimulateSingleInputMsgSend(mapper auth.AccountMapper) simulation.Operation {
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
fromKey := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
fromAddr := sdk.AccAddress(fromKey.PubKey().Address())
toKey := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
fromAcc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)
toAcc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)
// Disallow sending money to yourself
for {
if !fromKey.Equals(toKey) {
if !fromAcc.PubKey.Equals(toAcc.PubKey) {
toKey = simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
toAcc = simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)
toAddr := sdk.AccAddress(toKey.PubKey().Address())
initFromCoins := mapper.GetAccount(ctx, fromAddr).GetCoins()
toAddr := toAcc.Address
initFromCoins := mapper.GetAccount(ctx, fromAcc.Address).GetCoins()

if len(initFromCoins) == 0 {
return "skipping, no coins at all", nil, nil
Expand All @@ -43,18 +42,18 @@ func SimulateSingleInputMsgSend(mapper auth.AccountMapper) simulation.Operation

action = fmt.Sprintf("%s is sending %s %s to %s",

coins := sdk.Coins{{initFromCoins[denomIndex].Denom, amt}}
var msg = bank.MsgSend{
Inputs: []bank.Input{bank.NewInput(fromAddr, coins)},
Inputs: []bank.Input{bank.NewInput(fromAcc.Address, coins)},
Outputs: []bank.Output{bank.NewOutput(toAddr, coins)},
goErr = sendAndVerifyMsgSend(app, mapper, msg, ctx, []crypto.PrivKey{fromKey})
goErr = sendAndVerifyMsgSend(app, mapper, msg, ctx, []crypto.PrivKey{fromAcc.PrivKey})
if goErr != nil {
return "", nil, goErr
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6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions x/bank/simulation/sim_test.go
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Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import (


sdk ""
Expand All @@ -26,8 +24,8 @@ func TestBankWithRandomMessages(t *testing.T) {

appStateFn := func(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress) json.RawMessage {
mock.RandomSetGenesis(r, mapp, accs, []string{"stake"})
appStateFn := func(r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account) json.RawMessage {
simulation.RandomSetGenesis(r, mapp, accs, []string{"stake"})
return json.RawMessage("{}")

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41 changes: 18 additions & 23 deletions x/gov/simulation/msgs.go
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Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import (


sdk ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,9 +43,9 @@ func SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keepe
statePercentageArray := []float64{1, .9, .75, .4, .15, 0}
curNumVotesState := 1
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
// 1) submit proposal now
sender := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
sender := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)
msg, err := simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(r, sender)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
Expand All @@ -61,16 +59,16 @@ func SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keepe
// 2) Schedule operations for votes
// 2.1) first pick a number of people to vote.
curNumVotesState = numVotesTransitionMatrix.NextState(r, curNumVotesState)
numVotes := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(keys)) * statePercentageArray[curNumVotesState]))
numVotes := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(accs)) * statePercentageArray[curNumVotesState]))
// 2.2) select who votes and when
whoVotes := r.Perm(len(keys))
whoVotes := r.Perm(len(accs))
// didntVote := whoVotes[numVotes:]
whoVotes = whoVotes[:numVotes]
votingPeriod := k.GetVotingProcedure(ctx).VotingPeriod
fops := make([]simulation.FutureOperation, numVotes+1)
for i := 0; i < numVotes; i++ {
whenVote := ctx.BlockHeader().Time.Add(time.Duration(r.Int63n(int64(votingPeriod.Seconds()))) * time.Second)
fops[i] = simulation.FutureOperation{BlockTime: whenVote, Op: operationSimulateMsgVote(k, sk, keys[whoVotes[i]], proposalID)}
fops[i] = simulation.FutureOperation{BlockTime: whenVote, Op: operationSimulateMsgVote(k, sk, accs[whoVotes[i]], proposalID)}
// 3) Make an operation to ensure slashes were done correctly. (Really should be a future invariant)
// TODO: Find a way to check if a validator was slashed other than just checking their balance a block
Expand All @@ -84,8 +82,8 @@ func SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keepe
// Note: Currently doesn't ensure that the proposal txt is in JSON form
func SimulateMsgSubmitProposal(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
handler := gov.NewHandler(k)
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
sender := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
sender := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)
msg, err := simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(r, sender)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
Expand All @@ -111,14 +109,13 @@ func simulateHandleMsgSubmitProposal(msg gov.MsgSubmitProposal, sk stake.Keeper,

func simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(r *rand.Rand, sender crypto.PrivKey) (msg gov.MsgSubmitProposal, err error) {
addr := sdk.AccAddress(sender.PubKey().Address())
func simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(r *rand.Rand, sender simulation.Account) (msg gov.MsgSubmitProposal, err error) {
deposit := randomDeposit(r)
msg = gov.NewMsgSubmitProposal(
simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 5),
simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 5),
if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil {
Expand All @@ -129,15 +126,14 @@ func simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(r *rand.Rand, sender crypto.PrivKey) (msg

// SimulateMsgDeposit
func SimulateMsgDeposit(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, event func(string)) (action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
key := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
addr := sdk.AccAddress(key.PubKey().Address())
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) (action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
acc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)
proposalID, ok := randomProposalID(r, k, ctx)
if !ok {
return "no-operation", nil, nil
deposit := randomDeposit(r)
msg := gov.NewMsgDeposit(addr, proposalID, deposit)
msg := gov.NewMsgDeposit(acc.Address, proposalID, deposit)
if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s", msg.GetSignBytes())
Expand All @@ -159,14 +155,14 @@ func SimulateMsgDeposit(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
// SimulateMsgVote
// nolint: unparam
func SimulateMsgVote(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
return operationSimulateMsgVote(k, sk, nil, -1)
return operationSimulateMsgVote(k, sk, simulation.Account{}, -1)

// nolint: unparam
func operationSimulateMsgVote(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper, key crypto.PrivKey, proposalID int64) simulation.Operation {
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, event func(string)) (action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
if key == nil {
key = simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
func operationSimulateMsgVote(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper, acc simulation.Account, proposalID int64) simulation.Operation {
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) (action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) {
if acc.Equals(simulation.Account{}) {
acc = simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)

var ok bool
Expand All @@ -177,10 +173,9 @@ func operationSimulateMsgVote(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper, key crypto.PrivKey,
return "no-operation", nil, nil
addr := sdk.AccAddress(key.PubKey().Address())
option := randomVotingOption(r)

msg := gov.NewMsgVote(addr, proposalID, option)
msg := gov.NewMsgVote(acc.Address, proposalID, option)
if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s", msg.GetSignBytes())
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions x/gov/simulation/sim_test.go
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (

abci ""

sdk ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,12 +42,12 @@ func TestGovWithRandomMessages(t *testing.T) {

appStateFn := func(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress) json.RawMessage {
mock.RandomSetGenesis(r, mapp, accs, []string{"stake"})
appStateFn := func(r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account) json.RawMessage {
simulation.RandomSetGenesis(r, mapp, accs, []string{"stake"})
return json.RawMessage("{}")

setup := func(r *rand.Rand, privKeys []crypto.PrivKey) {
setup := func(r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account) {
ctx := mapp.NewContext(false, abci.Header{})
stake.InitGenesis(ctx, stakeKeeper, stake.DefaultGenesisState())
gov.InitGenesis(ctx, govKeeper, gov.DefaultGenesisState())
Expand Down
38 changes: 18 additions & 20 deletions x/mock/simulation/random_simulate_blocks.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,34 +15,32 @@ import (

abci ""
tmtypes ""

sdk ""

// Simulate tests application by sending random messages.
func Simulate(t *testing.T, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress) json.RawMessage,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, accs []Account) json.RawMessage,
ops []WeightedOperation, setups []RandSetup,
invariants []Invariant, numBlocks int, blockSize int, commit bool) error {

time := time.Now().UnixNano()
return SimulateFromSeed(t, app, appStateFn, time, ops, setups, invariants, numBlocks, blockSize, commit)

func initChain(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress, setups []RandSetup, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress) json.RawMessage) (validators map[string]mockValidator) {
res := app.InitChain(abci.RequestInitChain{AppStateBytes: appStateFn(r, keys, accs)})
func initChain(r *rand.Rand, accounts []Account, setups []RandSetup, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, accounts []Account) json.RawMessage) (validators map[string]mockValidator) {
res := app.InitChain(abci.RequestInitChain{AppStateBytes: appStateFn(r, accounts)})
validators = make(map[string]mockValidator)
for _, validator := range res.Validators {
validators[string(validator.Address)] = mockValidator{validator, GetMemberOfInitialState(r, initialLivenessWeightings)}

for i := 0; i < len(setups); i++ {
setups[i](r, keys)
setups[i](r, accounts)

Expand All @@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ func randTimestamp(r *rand.Rand) time.Time {
// SimulateFromSeed tests an application by running the provided
// operations, testing the provided invariants, but using the provided seed.
func SimulateFromSeed(tb testing.TB, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, keys []crypto.PrivKey, accs []sdk.AccAddress) json.RawMessage,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, accs []Account) json.RawMessage,
seed int64, ops []WeightedOperation, setups []RandSetup, invariants []Invariant,
numBlocks int, blockSize int, commit bool) (simError error) {

Expand All @@ -69,15 +67,15 @@ func SimulateFromSeed(tb testing.TB, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
fmt.Printf("Starting the simulation from time %v, unixtime %v\n", timestamp.UTC().Format(time.UnixDate), timestamp.Unix())
timeDiff := maxTimePerBlock - minTimePerBlock

keys, accs := mock.GeneratePrivKeyAddressPairsFromRand(r, numKeys)
accs := RandomAccounts(r, numKeys)

// Setup event stats
events := make(map[string]uint)
event := func(what string) {

validators := initChain(r, keys, accs, setups, app, appStateFn)
validators := initChain(r, accs, setups, app, appStateFn)

header := abci.Header{Height: 0, Time: timestamp}
opCount := 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,10 +137,10 @@ func SimulateFromSeed(tb testing.TB, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
thisBlockSize := getBlockSize(r, blockSize)

// Run queued operations. Ignores blocksize if blocksize is too small
numQueuedOpsRan := runQueuedOperations(operationQueue, int(header.Height), tb, r, app, ctx, keys, logWriter, displayLogs, event)
numQueuedTimeOpsRan := runQueuedTimeOperations(timeOperationQueue, header.Time, tb, r, app, ctx, keys, logWriter, displayLogs, event)
numQueuedOpsRan := runQueuedOperations(operationQueue, int(header.Height), tb, r, app, ctx, accs, logWriter, displayLogs, event)
numQueuedTimeOpsRan := runQueuedTimeOperations(timeOperationQueue, header.Time, tb, r, app, ctx, accs, logWriter, displayLogs, event)
thisBlockSize = thisBlockSize - numQueuedOpsRan - numQueuedTimeOpsRan
operations := blockSimulator(thisBlockSize, r, app, ctx, keys, header, logWriter)
operations := blockSimulator(thisBlockSize, r, app, ctx, accs, header, logWriter)
opCount += operations + numQueuedOpsRan + numQueuedTimeOpsRan

res := app.EndBlock(abci.RequestEndBlock{})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ func SimulateFromSeed(tb testing.TB, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
// Returns a function to simulate blocks. Written like this to avoid constant parameters being passed everytime, to minimize
// memory overhead
func createBlockSimulator(testingMode bool, tb testing.TB, t *testing.T, event func(string), invariants []Invariant, ops []WeightedOperation, operationQueue map[int][]Operation, timeOperationQueue []FutureOperation, totalNumBlocks int, displayLogs func()) func(
blocksize int, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, privKeys []crypto.PrivKey, header abci.Header, logWriter func(string)) (opCount int) {
blocksize int, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accounts []Account, header abci.Header, logWriter func(string)) (opCount int) {
totalOpWeight := 0
for i := 0; i < len(ops); i++ {
totalOpWeight += ops[i].Weight
Expand All @@ -193,9 +191,9 @@ func createBlockSimulator(testingMode bool, tb testing.TB, t *testing.T, event f
return ops[0].Op
return func(blocksize int, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
keys []crypto.PrivKey, header abci.Header, logWriter func(string)) (opCount int) {
accounts []Account, header abci.Header, logWriter func(string)) (opCount int) {
for j := 0; j < blocksize; j++ {
logUpdate, futureOps, err := selectOp(r)(r, app, ctx, keys, event)
logUpdate, futureOps, err := selectOp(r)(r, app, ctx, accounts, event)
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("error on operation %d within block %d, %v", header.Height, opCount, err)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,14 +262,14 @@ func queueOperations(queuedOperations map[int][]Operation, queuedTimeOperations

// nolint: errcheck
func runQueuedOperations(queueOperations map[int][]Operation, height int, tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
privKeys []crypto.PrivKey, logWriter func(string), displayLogs func(), event func(string)) (numOpsRan int) {
accounts []Account, logWriter func(string), displayLogs func(), event func(string)) (numOpsRan int) {
if queuedOps, ok := queueOperations[height]; ok {
numOps := len(queuedOps)
for i := 0; i < numOps; i++ {
// For now, queued operations cannot queue more operations.
// If a need arises for us to support queued messages to queue more messages, this can
// be changed.
logUpdate, _, err := queuedOps[i](r, app, ctx, privKeys, event)
logUpdate, _, err := queuedOps[i](r, app, ctx, accounts, event)
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -285,14 +283,14 @@ func runQueuedOperations(queueOperations map[int][]Operation, height int, tb tes

func runQueuedTimeOperations(queueOperations []FutureOperation, currentTime time.Time, tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
privKeys []crypto.PrivKey, logWriter func(string), displayLogs func(), event func(string)) (numOpsRan int) {
accounts []Account, logWriter func(string), displayLogs func(), event func(string)) (numOpsRan int) {

numOpsRan = 0
for len(queueOperations) > 0 && currentTime.After(queueOperations[0].BlockTime) {
// For now, queued operations cannot queue more operations.
// If a need arises for us to support queued messages to queue more messages, this can
// be changed.
logUpdate, _, err := queueOperations[0].Op(r, app, ctx, privKeys, event)
logUpdate, _, err := queueOperations[0].Op(r, app, ctx, accounts, event)
if err != nil {
Expand Down

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