zombidle devolopment stalled. The game is actually dead so is this bot. It was a nice time. Good bye Bob!
Autohotkey project for idle game Zombidle
- Getting Started and Upgrading to latest Bot version
- Features
- Limitation
- Graphite Setup
- Known Issues
- Later releases
- Thanks
- Install Autohotkey v1.1.*
- Download latest zombildeBot release and unpack
- Start the game and change the game resolution to 1136x640
- Start zombidle.ahk
- Download latest zombildeBot release and unpack
- Copy over following files from old release, to restore settings and progress:
- privatesettings.ini
- stats.log
- status.log
- visual detection
- detect scrolls and collect them
- auto clicking and collecting ghosts
- level up Carl, TombKing and Squid
- change world if current world is finished
- use abilities
- simple GUI
- most timers and click positions are configurable in ini-file
- stats about items found
- write stats to graphite to create awesome dashboards
- works only with Steam release right now
- You need to change the game resolution to 1136x640
- if you use another browser window, the bot will not click to avoid take away focus
- in order to find scrolls, the browser windows must be visible
- Bot will switch from world 2 to 1, 1 to 3, 3 to 4 and so on. So you need to start with world 2
- you need Autohotkey v1.1.* to run the script
configure your Graphite host and port in privatesettings.ini (privatesettings.ini will be created after first Bot start)
change graphiteenable to true in your privatesettings.ini
Download netcat (nc.exe) from netcat Homepage or use the cygwin netcat and include it to your PATH variable
structure of whisper paths are
. %graph% can be:- x4_Skull
- 5_Level
- craftingTime
- 5_Diamonds
- 10_Diamonds
- x2_DMG
- Chest
- NA
you can use Grafana to visualize it
- When game is paused, ability timer can go negative until next activation
- With too much lag you sometimes get stuck on world map during world switch
- "COME ON! CHOP CHOP!" message not handled
- Reset World
Thanks to kojaktsl and Lachhh for this awesome game. Keep up the good work. If you like Zombidle please support the developers.