Ottoman is an ODM built for Couchbase and Node.js.
Ottoman's goal is to provide a better development experience while using Couchbase, bringing to developers a reliable tool to build systems that are easy to design, maintain, and scale.
npm install ottoman
That's it, you are ready to use Ottoman.
Supported version are:
Ottoman | Nodejs | Couchbase SDK | Couchbase Server |
^2.0.0 | ^12.0.0 | ^4.2.0 | ^7.2.0 |
Notice: make sure you are using supported versions
const { connect, model, start, close } = require('ottoman');
const main = async () => {
await connect("couchbase://localhost/travel-sample@admin:password");
const User = model('User', { name: String });
const user = new User({ name: 'Jane Doe' });
await start();
console.log('Nice Job!');
await close();
You should see results similar to the following:
Nice Job!
::: tip Note If you are using the legacy version of Ottoman, check out the V1 docs. :::
- To add support to Couchbase SDK 3.x and above
- To add typescript support.
- To have a powerful query builder built-in.
- To allow adding indexes to improve queries performance.
- To have extendable Schemas using statics, methods, hooks.
- To have Pluggable Schemas.
Check out our examples and docs for typescript and javascript implementation.
For questions and support please use the official forum or contact community. Please make sure to read the Issue Reporting Checklist before opening an issue.
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Couchbase Ottoman!
::: tip Note Check results on http://localhost:8091/ couchbase web client. :::
- Get the repo and install dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd node-ottoman
$ yarn install
- Available scripts
$ yarn dev
$ yarn build
$ yarn lint
$ yarn test
$ yarn test --coverage
$ yarn docs
$ yarn docs:dev
- Pull master branch from repo
- yarn install
- ensure version number is bumped
- yarn build
- yarn is:ready
When publishing a new package to NPM, please follow the following steps:
- git pull (master branch)
- update the
file w/ new version - yarn install && yarn build
- yarn test:legacy (Use
Until CB 7 Release) - yarn pack (ensure package is packing as intended)
- npm publish (--tag alpha or --tag beta)
- push changes to
file w/ new version - deploy docs *if required
Once package is published, *update the docs:
- yarn docs:dev (preview site)
- yarn docs (generate docs directory)
- copy files in
to ottomanjs-site - ensure CNAME file is correct
- git push changes to ottomanjs-site
© Copyright 2021 Couchbase Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the Apache 2.0 license.