This project was created in collaboration with the Engaging Girls in Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (GUIC) Summer Camp initiative as part of the National Scientist Foundation-funded University of Nevada, Las Vegas ITEST project.
Objective: Students will make an attendance checking system using Arduino to efficiently take attendance in a SMART classroom.
Applications: Traditional attendance can be time-consuming, with teachers roll calling or using a seating chart to ensure students are present. This process is known to shift the focus and learning in the classroom. An automatic attendance checker is not time-demanding and allows teachers to focus on instruction. The automatic attendance checker allows for a smooth learning process and greater security in the classroom.
Materials Needed
- ESP32 Microcontroller
- MFRC522 Module
- 2 LED’s, 1 green and 1 red
- Servo Motor
- Breadboard
- Wires (Male to female)
- USB Cable
- Computer
Important Arduino Installations
Boards (found in “Board Manager” tab)
- ESP32
Libraries (found in “Manage Libraries” tab)
- Blynk
- ESP32Servo
- MFRC522
Servo Motor Connection
- Red Wire connects to 5V pin
- Brown Wire connects to GND pin
- Yellow Wire connects to digital pin
RFID Reader & ESP32 Connection
Blynk App - Mobile Dashboard Template
- Components
- Student names with corresponding strings, stating "Absent" or "Present"
- 3 LED's connected to corresponding students (use for testing purposes)
Blynk App - Datastreams Template
- Components
- 3 student names with string data types
- 3 virtual pins with integer data types (for testing purposes)
- Tap the card on the RF module.
- If the UID of the card matches the one stored in the Blynk table...
- In the Blynk table, the student’s status changes from “Absent” to “Present.”
- Output to the serial monitor that the student has been checked in.
- The green LED lights up, and the red LED turns off.
- The servo motor moves in order to open the door.
- If the UID of the card does not match the one stored in the Blynk table...
- Output to the serial monitor that access has been denied.
- Nothing changes in the Blynk Table.
- If the student was already checked in...
- The servo motor moves to open the door.
- The green LED lights up, and the red LED turns off.
- Nothing changes in the Blynk Table.
- The class’s attendance should reset to “Absent” for all students after a certain period of time. This simulates a class period. a. Use a time period of 1 minute in order to test that this works.
Arduino Serial Monitor Output
Blynk App Output
Attendance Checker Demo
ESP32: How to read RFID tags with a RFID Reader
- Arduino
- Blynk App