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How to contribute

Marino von Wattenwyl edited this page May 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Working with forks

This page serves as an introdoction on how to work with a forked SLProject and how to contribute to the main project. If you're already familiar with this you may skip this entry.


To get your Github fork up and running follow these steps

  1. Click the 'Fork' button in the top right on the project page.

  2. Github will create a new forked repository on your Github account and take you there. In case the page didn't load automatically, go to your profile and find the forked repository of SLProject.

  3. You can now clone your new repository and work on it just as you would with your own repositories.


If you've made changes you think the main project would benefit from you can create a pull request to the main repository. A detailed explenation on how to do this can be found here.

Important: If you plan on contributing to the main SLProject repository: Please make sure to keep your own repository free of binary files or unnecessarily large files. If such a file does end up in you repository and you know you can safely alter it's history you can try the following link to remove it again

Keep up to date with the repository you forked from

When working on a fork you may want to get new updates from the main project once in a while. You can do this easily by following these steps. Note that we will be refering to the repository you forked from as upstream from now on.

  1. Add a new remote referencing the main SLProject repository
git remote add upstream
  1. keep up to date,
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master
  1. (optional) If you'd like to keep a clean history you can also use a rebase on your fork. See for a better explenation. Note however that when you also have a remote version of your fork (origin) that other people depend on that a rebase will cause big issues for those people.

Links to other helpful resources on this topic

  1. Import upstream branch into fork