Added full support for Craft 3.1 (now also minimum version). Thanks to all the contributors!
Added beforeSave() for elements.
Allows SELECT_DATES to be imported for Solspace Calendar events. (thanks @samstevens ).
Add better handling for milliseconds and seconds timestamps. Date fields can now choose which timestamp is used in their feed.
Refactor asset element imports, particularly for remote uploads. Prevents asset duplication and fixes element fields not being populated.
Add checks around third-party elements if they exist but aren’t installed.
Add conditionals around element field layouts throwing errors in some cases.
Fix element mapping templates throwing errors in some cases.
Fix some element fields not matching elements properly when selecting specific types.
Fix mapping element fields with no field layout.
Fix empty string values not being imported into fields, in some cases, for some fields.
Fix potential error occurring when incorrectly configuring an element and trying to proceed to mapping screen.
Fix not fetching node content when the node contains a dot character.
Include resolveDynamicPathToFolderId()
in asset field matching to resolve to dynamic folders correctly.
You can’t perform that action at this time.