Tool utilizing open source anti-virus, ClamAV, to perform AV scan on USB drive once mounted to Raspberry Pi or Linux OS
Document for setting up raspberry Pi USB scanner:
The follow are pre-requisites for the scan script to run properly.
Raspbian OS
$apt-get update $apt-get install clamav $apt-get install usbmount $apt-get install xscreensaver
su - ~~ This section creates a a directory in /var/log to save the results of anti-virus scan on USB ~~ The directory name can be changed out to be whatever you choose, but you must update that name in the script that runs ~~ the auto scan on the USB drive (/etc/usbmount/mount.d/01_usb_autoscan)
#mkdir clamscanz #chmod 755 clamscanz/ #pwd #/var/log #cd /etc/usbmount/mount.d #vi 01_usb_autoscan
script contents ~~ While using the /dev/pts/0 output, this will send the screen output to the first logcial SSh connection ~~ While using the /tty/0 ouptut, this will put the console connection of the raspberry pi.
Configuring Screen Saver to not appear in Xwindow mode
Stop text terminals from blanking
From GUI, go to Screensave, and set to none. This will keep the pi screen from blanking out
I had no luck with these, but left the config set this way anyways.
change in /etc/kbd/config these two:
Stop Xsession from blanking
Additional info ... _Signaling
Add these lines to /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
@xset s noblank
@xset s off
@xset -dpms