I built this app to get experience with Ruby on Rails and now I use it to practice new tools and technologies.
- Visitors can view all Goals and Users
- Visitors can search Goals (results ranked by title, score, then text) and Users and see when other Users complete their Subscriptions
- Visitors and Users can sign-up / sign-in with email, Facebook, and Google
- Users can create new Goals and Comments
- Users can subscribe to Goals (100 points) and complete those Subscriptions (500 points)
- Users can see when other Users complete their Subscriptions
- Developers can access the API with their authentication tokens
- Developers can contribute to the open source repository
- Action caching, page caching, pagination, and static routing (Performance)
- Bootstrap, Font Awesome, and Sass (CSS styling)
- CanCanCan (Resource authorization)
- Code Climate, Travis CI (Reporting)
- Cucumber, JSON Schema, RSpec (Testing)
- Devise (User authentication)
- Heroku (Deployment)
- OAuth (User authentication with Facebook/Google)
- PostgreSQL with full-text search (Database)
- Puma (Web Server)