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CoSA: CoreIR Symbolic Analyzer SMT-based symbolic model checker for hardware design.


CoSA supports a variety of input formats:

  • CoreIR
  • BTOR2
  • Verilog (with Yosys)
  • SystemVerilog (with Verific)
  • Symbolic Transition System (STS)
  • Explicit states Transition System (ETS)

and verifications:

  • Invariant Properties
  • Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Properties
  • Proving capabilities
  • Equivalence Checking
  • Parametric (Invariant) Model Checking
  • Fault Analysis
  • Automated Lemma Extraction


  1. pip3 install cosa to install CoSA, and its dependencies i.e., PySMT, PyCoreIR, and PyVerilog
  2. pysmt-install --msat to install MathSAT5 solver (it provides interpolation support), or pysmt-install --cvc4 for CVC4 and pysmt-install --z3 for Z3 and pysmt-install --btor for Boolector
  3. pysmt-install --env to show the environment variables that need to be exported

Software requirements:

  • Python3 -- Full support requires Python3.6 or higher, however running without the CoreIR inputs should work on older Python 3 versions
  • Pip3: package manager -- easiest way to install CoSA. On Debian: apt-get update; apt-get install python3-pip.
  • Cmake and a standard C++ compiler for CoreIR / PyCoreIR
  • Yosys needs to be installed in order to support Verilog as an input format
  • Verific binaries or Yosys built with Verific library in order to support SystemVerilog as an input format [Commercial Tool]

Installation from Source

  • Install Git
  • git clone
  • cd CoSA
  • pip3 install -e .

Pip will automatically install the Python dependencies. To install Yosys for Verilog support, follow the instructions here.

Note: If running in a Python virtualenv, pip will install the CoSA script in ~/.local/bin, so be sure it's added to your PATH with export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH.

To run tests (tests include Veriog models and thus require Yosys):

  • nosetests tests


To start playing with the tool, you can run:

  1. CoSA -h shows the helper with command options
  2. CoSA -i examples/counters/counters.json --verification simulation -k 7 generates a system execution with depth 7
  3. CoSA -i examples/counters/counters.json --safety -p "!(count0.a.out = 5_16)" -k 7 performs reachability model checking with property count0.a.out != 5 as a 16-bit Bitvector
  4. CoSA --problem examples/counter/problem.txt --prefix trace performs liveness (GF) and finally (F) checking on the counter.json model using the problem definition
  5. CoSA --problem examples/fold-constants/problem.txt performs equivalence checking using lemmas

For more information, please refer to the CoSA user manual.


  1. install Docker with your package manager e.g., sudo apt-get install docker
  2. build the Docker image: cd docker/ubuntu_1604 && docker build -t ubuntu-cosa .
  3. run the Docker image: docker run -i -t ubuntu-cosa /bin/bash


CoSA is released under the modified BSD (3-clause BSD) License.

If you use CoSA in your work, please consider citing the following publication:

   author    = {Cristian Mattarei and
               Makai Mann and
               Clark Barrett and
               Ross G. Daly and
               Dillon Huff and
               Pat Hanrahan},
  title     = {{CoSA: Integrated Verification for Agile Hardware Design}},
  booktitle = {Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, {FMCAD} 2018, Austin, Texas,
               USA, October 30 - November 2, 2018.},
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  year      = {2018}

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