This cookbook will setup a bridge on the chef server for rundeck. See for more information on how to configure the bridge.
Most of the config is still left to the user and has to be done in a wrapper cookbook, including:
- bridge definitions
- chef server access through knife.rb configuration
- chef user definition on the chef server
- Centos
- chef-client
- poise-service
- rundeck-server (Suggested but not required)
- rundeck-node (Suggested but not required)
Name | Description | Default |
| Service user on bridge. |Defaults to"chef-rundeck"
| |Defaults to"chef-rundeck"
| Home of service user. |Defaults to"/home/chef-rundeck"
| Location of chef-rundeck gem binary. |Defaults to"/opt/chef/embedded/bin/chef-rundeck"
| IP to bind the bridge to. |Defaults to""
| Port the bridge listens to. |Defaults to"9980"
| Lighten load on chef-server using partial search instead of classic search. |Defaults to"true"
| Default username attribute for the node element in the generated resource xml. |Defaults to"rundeck"
- rundeck-bridge::install
- rundeck-bridge::config
- rundeck-bridge::service
- rundeck-bridge::default
This recipe call config recipe and setup a chef-rundeck service that host all bridges
Maintainer:: Robert Veznaver ([email protected])
License:: Apache License 2.0