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Media models for use with Modia and other Julia packages


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This package shall provide Media models for use with Modia and other Julia packages. The initial goal is to achieve a similar functionality as Modelica.Media, the standard media library for Modelica models, but with improvements based on Julia features such as multiple dispatch.

This package is under development and it is planned to provide all media from Modelica.Media in this package.


This package is currently under development and is not yet registered in METADATA. Julia 1.0 is required. Installation is performed via:

julia> ]add

ModiaMedia uses PyPlot for plotting (via ModiaMath.plot). If PyPlot is not available in your current Julia environment an information message is printed and all plot(..) calls are ignored.

In order that plot windows are displayed, you need to add PyPlot to your current environment via ]add PyPlot. Often this automatic installation fails and it is recommended to follow the instructions Installing PyPlot in a robust way.


  using ModiaMedia

  # Define medium to be used
  Medium = getMedium("N2");

  # Define the operating point where the medium shall be evaluated.
  p = 1e5    # in [Pa]
  T = 300.0  # in [K]

  # Set the medium-specific thermodynamic state from p and T
  # (could be also set from p and h, or p and s, or d and T)
  state = setState_pT(Medium, p, T)

  # Call media functions (here to compute density and specific enthalpy)
  d = density(Medium,state)
  h = specificEnthalpy(Medium,state)

  # Print computed values
  println("data for p=$p, T=$T:")
  println("density          = ", d)
  println("specificEnthalpy = ", h)

  # Plot the most important characteristics of the medium

The last command results in the following plot:


Currently available media

  • Media from struct SimpleMedium <: PureSubstance:

  • Media from struct SimpleIdealGasMedium <: PureSubstance:

  • Media from struct SingleGasNasa <: PureSubstance:
    Ar, CH4, CH3OH, CO, CO2, C2H2_vinylidene, C2H4, C2H5OH, C2H6, C3H6_propylene, C3H8, C3H8O_1propanol, C4H8_1_butene, C4H10_n_butane, C5H10_1_pentene, C5H12_n_pentane, C6H6, C6H12_1_hexene, C6H14_n_hexane, C7H14_1_heptene, C7H16_n_heptane, C8H10_ethylbenz, C8H18_n_octane, CL2, F2, H2, H2O, He, NH3, NO, NO2, N2, N2O, Ne, O2, SO2, SO3

Structure of package

A medium is a struct of the following type:

struct MediumXXX <: AbstractMedium  # or of a subtype of AbstractMedium
    data  # medium specific data

struct FluidInfos 
    mediumName::AbstractString                   # "Name of the medium";
    substanceNames::Vector{AbstractString}       # "Names of the mixture substances. Set substanceNames=[mediumName] if only one substance.";
    extraPropertiesNames::Vector{AbstractString} # "Names of the additional (extra) transported properties. Set extraPropertiesNames=fill(\"\",0) if unused"
    ThermoStates::IndependentVariables           # "Enumeration type for independent variables";
    baseProperties::Symbol                       # "Symbol of baseProperties model = :BaseProperties_<StructName>
    singleState::Bool                            # "= true, if u and d are not a function of pressure";
    reducedX::Bool                               # "= true if medium contains the equation sum(X) = 1.0; set reducedX=true if only one substance (see docu for details)";
    fixedX::Bool                                 # "= true if medium contains the equation X = reference_X";
    reference_p::Float64                         # "Reference pressure of Medium: default 1 atmosphere";
    reference_T::Float64                         # "Reference temperature of Medium: default 25 deg Celsius";
    reference_X::AbstractVector                  # "Default mass fractions of medium";
    p_default::Float64                           # "Default value for pressure of medium (for initialization)";
    T_default::Float64                           # "Default value for temperature of medium (for initialization)";
    h_default::Float64                           # "Default value for specific enthalpy of medium (for initialization)";
    X_default::Vector{Float64}                   # "Default value for specific enthalpy of medium (for initialization)";
    nS::Int                                      # "Number of substances"
    nX::Int                                      # "Number of mass fractions"
    nXi::Int                                     # "Default value for mass fractions of medium (for initialization)"
    nC::Int                                      # "Number of extra (outside of standard mass-balance) transported properties"
    C_nominal::Vector{Float64}                   # "Default for the nominal values for the extra properties"  

struct BasicFluidConstants <: AbstractFluidConstants
    iupacName::AbstractString           # "Complete IUPAC name (or common name, if non-existent)";
    casRegistryNumber::AbstractString   # "Chemical abstracts sequencing number (if it exists)";
    chemicalFormula::AbstractString     # "Chemical formula, (brutto, nomenclature according to Hill";
    structureFormula::AbstractString    # "Chemical structure formula";
    molarMass::Float64                  # "Molar mass";

mutable struct FluidLimits
    TMIN::Float64  # "Minimum temperature";
    TMAX::Float64  # "Maximum temperature";
    DMIN::Float64  # "Minimum density";
    DMAX::Float64  # "Maximum density";
    PMIN::Float64  # "Minimum pressure";
    PMAX::Float64  # "Maximum pressure";
    HMIN::Float64  # "Minimum enthalpy";
    HMAX::Float64  # "Maximum enthalpy";
    SMIN::Float64  # "Minimum entropy";
    SMAX::Float64  # "Maximum entropy";

and all instances of this struct are stored in a dictionary. This dictionary is constructed in a preprocessing step by running "ModiaMedia/dict/GenerateMediumDict.jl". This module contains code that was mostly automatically converted from Modelica.Media to Julia. The resulting dictionary is serialized and stored in "ModiaMedia/src/Media/media.julia_serializer". When package ModiaMedia is compiled, this serialized dictionary is deserialized and included in the compiled package.

Function ModiaMedia.Medium(name) returns the MediumXXX instance stored in the medium dictionary with key name.


The ModiaMedia package development has just started and a lot has to be improved.


Media models for use with Modia and other Julia packages







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