Proof of concept Argo CD project
- CD tool can be configured entirely from code (declarative configuration).
- CD tool can be deployed in a distributed fashion (e.g. one instance of the tool per Kubernetes cluster)
- Git history doubles as audit trail (though you should still implement true auditing of Kubernetes configuration changes)
- Changing the Kubernetes cluster state from within the cluster is safer than granting outside agents permission to change cluster state.
Of all the Git-Ops-flavored Kubernetes deployment tools I found in the Continuous Delivery section of the CNCF Landscape, Argo seems to be the the most suitable for building a continuous delivery platform on top of Kubernetes.
Declarative configuration reduces management overhead at scale.
Unlike Spinnaker and Jenkins, Argo CD can be configured exclusively using declarative configurations (no clicking & typing required)
Strong application definition model supports logical grouping of services.
The unit-of-work is the Application, each of which belongs to a Project, optionally with other Applications.
Free, self-hosted in Kubernetes
- Does not seem suitable for distributed deployments (e.g. one go-cd instance per cluster), instead seems more suited for single "master" instance that deploys to all clusters.
- Declarative pipelines are supported, but written in XML and
Running Kubernetes locally (e.g. with Minikube).
Authenticated in
with local cluster:$ kubectl config get-clusters > NAME <cluster-name>
namespace exists in the cluster:$ kubectl get namespaces | grep argocd > argocd Active 1d
Argo CD is running in the
namespace:$ kubectl get deployments -n argocd NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE argocd-application-controller 1 1 1 1 18d argocd-repo-server 1 1 1 1 18d argocd-server 1 1 1 1 18d dex-server 1 1 1 1 18d
Set the context to the
namespace:kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=argocd
Create the Argo CD custom resources (Projects, Apps) and Project Namespaces defined in
kubectl apply -f main.yaml