Our project is to build a web application using Haskell to provide an auto-correct function for misspelled English words and sentences. Users are able to enter an arbitrary word/sentence in the text box at their discretion and our algorithm will examine if it is a valid, and provide reommendations. The whole structure is built on Yesod, which is a lightweight Haskell-based web framework. We also use persistent as our data model and edit distance as our recommendation algorithm.
- Haimeng Wang (pennkey: whm7)
- Shu Chen (pennkey: s388chen)
- Yuxin Kan (pennkey: irenekxx)
- A Widget's Html, CSS and Javascript are separated in three files with the .hamlet, .lucius and .julius extensions. All the files for templates and widgets are in
folder. - In Yesod framework, routing and handlers make up the controller. Routing is abstracted in
and all of the route handlers are insrc/Hander
. - We define database entities in the entities file
. We also enable connecting to an additional existing sqlite database by creating a standalone modulesrc/DitionaryDB.hs
. - We have integration tests, quicktests and unit tests in
- If you haven't already, install Stack
- On POSIX systems, this is usually
curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
- On POSIX systems, this is usually
- Install the
command line tool.stack install yesod-bin --install-ghc
- Build libraries.
stack build
- To keep sensitive data out of code, we add extra package
. To run this server, user should add a dotenv (.env) file in the root dictionary with local dictionary db path.Dictionary_DB=<local path>/shu_haimeng_xingxing/config/Dictionary.db
- Start a development server with:
stack exec -- yesod devel
Executable named yesod not found on path.
stack build yesod-bin
Add new handler
stack exec -- yesod add-handler
stack test --flag autograd:library-only --flag autograd:dev
(Because yesod devel
passes the library-only
and dev
flags, matching those flags means you don't need to recompile between tests and development, and it disables optimization to speed up your test compile times).