Changelog for reva 2.7.0 (2022-07-15)
The following sections list the changes in reva 2.7.0 relevant to
reva users. The changes are ordered by importance.
- Fix #3075: Check permissions of the move operation destination
- Fix #3036: Fix revad with EOS docker image
- Fix #3037: Add uid- and gidNumber to LDAP queries
- Fix #4061: Forbid resharing with higher permissions
- Fix #3017: Removed unused gateway config "commit_share_to_storage_ref"
- Fix #3031: Return proper response code when detecting recursive copy/move operations
- Fix #3071: Make CS3 sharing drivers parse legacy resource id
- Fix #3035: Prevent cross space move
- Fix #3074: Send storage provider and space id to wopi server
- Fix #3022: Improve the sharing internals
- Fix #2977: Test valid filename on spaces tus upload
- Chg #3006: Use spaceID on the cs3api
- Enh #3043: Introduce LookupCtx for index interface
- Enh #3009: Prevent recursive copy/move operations
- Enh #2977: Skip space lookup on space propfind
Bugfix #3075: Check permissions of the move operation destination
We now properly check the permissions on the target of move operations.
Bugfix #3036: Fix revad with EOS docker image
We've fixed the revad with EOS docker image. Previously the revad binary was build on Alpine and
not executable on the final RHEL based image. -
Bugfix #3037: Add uid- and gidNumber to LDAP queries
For the EOS storage to work correctly the uid- and gidNumber attributes need to be populated.
Bugfix #4061: Forbid resharing with higher permissions
When creating a public link from a viewer share a user was able to set editor permissions on that
link. This was because of a missing check that is added now -
Bugfix #3017: Removed unused gateway config "commit_share_to_storage_ref"
We've removed the unused gateway configuration option "commit_share_to_storage_ref".
Bugfix #3031: Return proper response code when detecting recursive copy/move operations
We changed the ocdav response code to "409 - Conflict" when a recursive operation was detected.
Bugfix #3071: Make CS3 sharing drivers parse legacy resource id
The CS3 public and user sharing drivers will now correct a resource id that is missing a spaceid
when it can split the storageid. -
Bugfix #3035: Prevent cross space move
Decomposedfs now prevents moving across space boundaries
Bugfix #3074: Send storage provider and space id to wopi server
We are now concatenating storage provider id and space id into the endpoint that is sent to the
wopiserver -
Bugfix #3022: Improve the sharing internals
We cleaned up the sharing code validation and comparisons.
Bugfix #2977: Test valid filename on spaces tus upload
Tus uploads in spaces now also test valid filenames.
Change #3006: Use spaceID on the cs3api
We introduced a new spaceID field on the cs3api to implement the spaces feature in a cleaner way.
Enhancement #3043: Introduce LookupCtx for index interface
The index interface now has a new LookupCtx that can look up multiple values so we can more
efficiently look up multiple shares by id. It also takes a context so we can pass on the trace
context to the CS3 backend -
Enhancement #3009: Prevent recursive copy/move operations
We changed the ocs API to prevent copying or moving a folder into one of its children.
Enhancement #2977: Skip space lookup on space propfind
We now construct the space id from the /dav/spaces URL intead of making a request to the