RServe is a protocol for communication with a remote R session. This package allows you to connect to a running RServe server that is serving over websockets. This way node.js (and javascript programs in general) can communicate with an instance of R.
RServe-js allows a web browser to communicate directly with a running R process on the other side of the wire. This means it's the equivalent of a chainsaw: there are ways to use it safely,
$ git clone
Start Rserve in web-sockets mode:
$ cd rserve-js/tests
$ r_files/start_no_ocap
Run some javascript that connects to port 8081:
$ node
> r = require('../main.js')
{ Robj:
write_into_view: [Function] }
> r = r.create()
{ ocap_mode: false,
resolve_hash: [Function] }
> r.running
> r.eval('rnorm(10)', function(err, a) { if (err === null) console.log(a); })
{ type: 'sexp',
{ type: 'double_array',
{ '0': -1.5626166190555,
'1': -0.16678360090204197,
'2': 1.362470594733813,
'3': 0.2462241937647293,
'4': -0.6439588002729958,
'5': 1.6695940797441013,
'6': -0.8298271898727629,
'7': -0.14431491982950537,
'8': -0.05561817220786299,
'9': -1.5889826020213365,
get: [Function: get],
set: [Function: set],
slice: [Function: slice],
subarray: [Function: subarray],
buffer: [Object],
length: 10,
byteOffset: 24,
byteLength: 80 },
attributes: undefined } }
NB: Rserve, in the mode described above, should only be run in
trusted networks! eval
, in that example above, is truly eval
> r.eval('readLines(pipe("ls /etc"))', function(err, x) { if (err === null) console.log(x); })
{ type: 'sexp',
{ type: 'string_array',
[ ...
... ],
attributes: undefined } }
Thankfully, Rserve provides a mode which only exposes a fixed set of entry points. These are known (for historical reasons) as object capabilities.
There's a demo of object-capability support in tests/ocap_tests.js
and tests/oc.init.R
. Roughly speaking, in object-capability mode,
the server involves an initialization function that returns an object.
This object is sent and is accessible by the Javascript side.
Critically, the serialization process converts any R functions and
closures to opaque objects, which in Javascript are converted to
things that behave exactly like asynchronous function calls
(eg. XmlHttpRequest
). These
callable objects are known as capabilities, since each of them is a
very specific feature accessible by the remote system. Since
capabilities are functions, they return new values. And since both
Javascript and R have functions as first-class values, capabilities
are also first-class in this system. Capabilities
can return other capabilities, and so a system can be designed to
provide, by default, a very limited set of features, which can be
increased when appropriate.