Releases: csiro-coasts/EMS
Releases · csiro-coasts/EMS
EMS Release v1.5.3
COMPAS v1.4.2
- Re-worked universal limiter
- Added tracer advection sub-step safety factor over-ride
- Fix for Lipschitz condition
- Fix indexing issue for sediment Mesh2_layers and layerfaces and write out tracer attributes in output file
SHOC v1.3.2
- Bugfix on DHD (df_has_time)
- Fix segfault for sigma runs
- Bugfix: prevent reading transport data beyond stop time
EMSLIB v1.4.1
- Inclusion of nanoflan's kdtree (configure with --enable-kdtree
- Significantly improves performance for FFSL tracer advection & particle tracking
- Fix: string_utils Conditional Jump valgrind error
ECOLOGY v1.3.2
- Generate netCDF file
- Streamlined writing of setup files
- UTC correction for moonvars and removed moon phase calculation
- Fix memory lead in sed2hd
EMS Release v1.5.2
- GCC 12.x compliance
- Bugfix for seg. fault when invoking sigma coordinates
- Re-structure of testing scripts
EMS Release v1.5.1
COMPAS v1.4.1
- Added compatibility for pre-V7367 transport scheduling
- Added spatially variable VZ0, KZ0
- Included elliptical mesh functions
SHOC v1.3.1
- Added compatibility for pre-V7367 transport scheduling
EMSLIB v1.3.1
- gcc 11.x compliant
- Included elliptical mesh functions
ECOLOGY v1.3.1
- various moonvars update
EMS Release v1.5.0
COMPAS v1.4.0
- Nearshore wave interactions via SWAN (Section 4.21.1 User's manual)
- Included reading of multiple tide files (Section 4.11.23 User's Manual)
- Save maximum difference for monotonic violations (Section 4.31.24 User's Manual)
- Added UGRID reading for transport mode. Added reading of layer thickness (Section 9.4 User's Manual)
- Added upper limit for viscosity using optimized crash recovery (Section 6.4 User's Manual)
- Added input of longwave downwelling, specific humidity for heatfluxes (Section 4.18 User's Manual)
- Improved bathy interpolation with chunking, convex hull subsetting, .mnc input (Section 4.9 User's Manual)
- Added ability to read IMOS mooring netCDF formatted files. Added vertical interpolation metric (Sections 4.31.22 & 4.32.5 User's Manual)
- Added region definition using metis (Section 4.31.21 User's Manual)
- Added kinetic energy options (Section 4.12 User's Manual)
- Bugfix in Window map file
SHOC v1.3.0
- Added provision to output UGRID format
- Bugfix in cs_land_fill()
- Bugfix in reading 3D swr attenuation
- Allow longwave components, specific humidity input for BULK heatflux
- Begin ginterface consolidation work
EMSLIB v1.3.0
- Fixed provision to mesh within the closed OBC path (no start/end indices) - coastmesh
- Improved reading CF netCDF without coordinate attributes
- Cascade search on missing and fill values for CF netCDF
- Included nearest_within_eps interpolation to read SIMPLE files
- Bugfix to read new data when a netCDF file is updated
- Semi-lagrange tracing routines on unstructured mesh
ECOLOGY v1.3.0
- Added new column-based light model process (light_spectral_col) that uses mass-specific optical properties specified in the tracer list to calculate inherent optical properties (e.g. total absorption) and apparent optical properties (e.g. downwelling light, remote-sensing reflectance). Outputs optical parameters into, and full optical output of individual columns into Light_spectral_col has improved moonlight / starlight calculations.
- Added new age tracer into process mixed_layer_age_col that uses the mixed_layer_depth calculation in hydro model to age water only in the surface mixed layer.
- Added shear stress mortality to existing coral bleaching process.
- Updated zooxanthellae expulsion parameterisation.
- Added new process for growth and mortality of free-living zooxanthellae.
- Changed name for suspended macroalgae to SMA to allow both suspended and benthic macroalgae (and fixed minor bug in growth of SMA).
- Added processes for dimethyl sulphide production and air sea exchange (dimethyl_sulphide_wc).
- Replaced almost all einterface commands with ginterface commands.
- New temperature dependence for Trichodesmium (default is old).
- Added new process diffusion_heat_epi to nudge sediment temperature and salt to bottom water column value.
- Fixed segfault in spatial tracer initialisation
WAVES v2.0.0
- SWAN library interface
- Inclusion of wavenumber and Bernoulli head
EMS Release v1.4.0
COMPAS v1.3.0
- Included flux adjustment scaling options (Section 4.11.9 User's Manual)
- Included LUST/CLUST scheme for momentum advection.
- Added swan conversion routine.
- Added 2nd order FFSL scheme.
- Added split LAPLACIAN/BIHARMONIC momentum mixing.
- Added split tracer advection (FFSL and QUICKEST).
- Improved TILED 2-way nesting (improved barotropic coupling).
- Included automated import of 2D and 3D fields (Section 4.31.24 User's Manual).
- Added history, crash log (Section 4.33 User's Manual)
- Added flux adjustment boundary scaling (Section 4.11.9 User's Manual)
- Added tidal velocity forcing added to CUSTOM forcing (Section 4.11.23 User's Manual)
- Added regionalised tracer initialisation (Section 4.10 User's Manual)
- Added regionalised horizontal mixing (Section 4.23 User's Manual)
- Added test cases setup (Section 12 User's Manual)
- Added cell areas for RESOLUTION (Section 4.31.14 User's Manual)
- Added glider scaling function (Section 4.10.5 User's Manual)
- Added ROAMv5 (Section 7 User's Manual)
SHOC v1.2.0
- Add region specification using polygon specification in .bnc file and poly_contains_point().
- Initialize dhw diagnostic schedule after dumps for daily nrt operation.
- Copy u1/u2 resets to velocity arrays.
- Included automated import of 2D and 3D fields (Section 4.31.24 User's Manual).
- Added ROAMv5 (Section 7 User's Manual)
- Added flux adjustment boundary scaling (Section 4.11.9 User's Manual)
- Allow regionalised 2D interpolation on resets.
- Allow regionalised estimation of swr parameters.
- Added density diagnostic.
- Added equilibrium tide variables.
- Added enhanced tracer interpolation (Section 4.10 User's Manual)
- Added MINMAX neighbourhood metric for time-series (Section 4.32.5 User's Manual).
- Included scaling to glider data (Section 4.10.5 User's Manual).
- Expanded GHRSST swr parameterisation.
- Added additional model descriptors (Section 4.1 User's Manual).
- Added ability to process multiple DHW diagnostics (Section 4.31.15 User's Manual).
- Bugfix for transport volume fluxes.
- Bugfix to GHRSST SWR parameterisation
EMSLIB v1.2.1
- Incorporate model/lib/grid into emslib
- Added ability for unstructured grid interpolation
ECOLOGY v1.2.0
- Added tasse1p0 parameter defaults with keyword "TASSE1p0"
- Added "TASSE1p0" process defaults with keyword "TASSE1p0"
- Added "PORE" process default with keyword "porewater"
- Increased allowable number of optical wavlengths from 25 to 250
- Added options of red, green and brown macroalgae, defaulting to brown.
- Updated check for tracer diag flag so that all warnings in runlog should be taken seriously.
- Updated filter_feeder_epi process for Storm Bay, with parameter reads, outputs to ecology_setup.txt etc.
- Removed calculation in value_common of EpiOxy & EpiNH4.
- Alignment of all units of diagnostic variables with names "_rm", "_pr", "_gr".
- Fixed in bug light_spectral_wc bugged that meant if moonlight calculations were invoked then pigment absorption defaulted to Gaussian.
- Include a large number of new default parameter values in ecological processes.
- Anammox revised with oxygen removed from system. Anammox equation changed to a minimum function. No anammox in sediment layers thicker than 20 cm.
- Check-in Nugzar's changes so that unstructured model works.
- In moon.c, fixed Julian day bug.
- Default minseddz parameter to 1e-6m
Tracerstats v1.0.1
- Bugfix to RMSE
EMS Release v1.3.0
COMPAS v1.2.0
- New FFSL scheme.
- Allow FFSL to be used with mean TRANSPORT.
- Moved mean computations to a scheduled function.
- Included ADJUST_RATIO for OBCs (Section 4.11.9 User's Manual).
- Explicit tide constituents specified via TIDE_CONSTITUENTS_VEL & TIDE_CONSTITUENTS_TRAN (Section 4.11.23 User's Manual).
- Added Courant number (Section 4.31.9 User's Manual), monotonicity diagnostics.
- Added window partitioning using METIS
- Added windows partitioning from regions (Section 4.2 Users's Manual).
- Added HFUN options (POLY & mixed conditions) (Section 14 Users's Manual).
- Added minimum bathymetry defined within a polygon (Section 4.9 Users's Manual).
- Included OBC T/S nudging zones (Section 4.11.12 User's Manual).
- Included surface heatflux relaxation to GHRSST (Section 4.18 User's Manual).
- Added automated cookie cut.
- Include length factors in tangential velocity diagnostic calculation.
- Bugfix on baroclinic pressure calculation.
SHOC v1.1.3
- Included OBC T/S nudging zones (Section 4.11.12 User's Manual).
- Included surface heatflux relaxation to GHRSST (Section 4.18 User's Manual).
- Added DHW computation options.
- Bugfiix in ginterface_calc_zenith to restore the longitude based calculation that got reverted in Feb. 2019
- Included tracer OBC prescribed using tracer in tracer list.
- Include 3D tracer from normalized profile.
- Bugfix for SWR initialisation.
- Do SWR parameter estimation using data at depth.
- Moved mean computations to a scheduled function.
EMSLIB v1.1.0
- Re-org of moon light calculation to support Ecology
ecology v1.2.0
- Add support for moon light calculations in light_spectral
- New processes: p_adsorption.c, nitrification_denitrification_anammox and age_sed
sediments v1.1.1
- Minor changes for default values of css_er_val & css_er_depth in auto tracers
EMS Release v1.2.1
- Fix COMPAS build error
- Fix parameter file paths in model/tests/hd-us
EMS Release v1.2
COMPAS v1.1.3
- Include bathymetry MAXDIFF and median filtering (Section 4.8 User's Manual).
- Allow unstructred interpolation from multiple input files (Section 4.8 User's Manual).
- Included parray and memory output.
- Included momentum tendency arrays (compatibe v6257 uses previous method).
- Improvements to viscosity scaling (using edge area).
- Included cookie cuts.
- Included tidal energy extraction.
- Optimise mask array reset in build_quadratic_weights
- Included equilibrium tidal forcing (Section 4.4 User's Manual).
- Included custom tide diagnostic (Section 4.31.14 User's Manual)
- Included tracer profiles scaled to a surface 2D distribution (Section 4.31.23 User's Manual)
- Included eta relaxation to custom tide (Section 4.13.1 User's Manual).
- Included bathy masking and smoothing within a polygon (Section 4.9 User's Manual).
- Included APVM method for momentum advection (Section 4.12 User's Manual).
- Improved tidal forcing for 2D mode.
- Enable single level chunking for netCDF4
EMS Release v1.1.1
COMPAS v1.1.2
- Fix "Run start" header
- Fix build error
EMS Release v1.1
Updates to the following modules:
COMPAS v1.1.1
- Added diagnostic for cell centered viscosity (Section 4.31.14 User's Manual).
- Added stereographic and power meshes (Section 4.7.5 User's Manual).
- Added land ommision (NLAND, Section 4.9 User's Manual).
- Added Manning bottom friction for 2D mode (Section 4.20 User's Manual).
- Added reading of sediment variables.
- Added dedicated monotone least squares linear interpolation for FFSL transport.
- Included normalized vertical profiles
- Included Simpson-Hunter tidal front diagnostic
- Included glider time series diagnostic
- Included biharmonic momentum mixing
- Included alternative potential vorticity momentum formulations
- Included POINT weighting functions
- Included explicit override capability for bathy weighting functions
- Allow means to operate on auto tracers
- Various bug fixes
SHOC v1.1.1
- MEAN counters in the restart file
- Added normalized vertical profile diagnostic (Section 3.31.23 User's Manual).
- Added mean tracer (including auto tracers) (Section 3.31.2 User's Manual).
- Various bug fixes
gridlib v1.1.0
- Added linear least squares interpolation function
waves v1.0.1
- Initial ginterface changes
sediments v1.1.0
- O2 sediment/water flux diagnostics
ecology v1.1.1
- New dinoflagellate spectral mortality water column process
- includes various bug fixes
This is the version of the ecology code that was used in SIMA Austral phase 1 and the eReefs GBR4_H2p0_B3p0 model
- Updates to closed, test2 and cetas COMPAS tests