This repository contains a collection of SwiftUI animations designed to enhance the user experience in iOS apps.
The current version of the project includes the following SwiftUI animations:
- Fade In and Out: A smooth fade-in and fade-out effect for views.
- Bounce Animation: Add a playful bounce effect to your elements.
- Slide In and Out: Slide views in and out from the edges of the screen.
- Pulse Animation: Create a pulsating effect for a dynamic UI element.
- Scale Animation: Scale views in and out to create emphasis.
To use these animations in your SwiftUI project, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the Xcode project.
- Copy the relevant animation code from the "Animations" folder into your project.
Sunrise View | Layer Masking | Random image animation |
This project is licensed under the MIT License.