This package includes methods for:
- Running a specified query, passed in as a string, on an Oracle database and returning the result to a Pandas data frame.
- Executing a command with no return data.
- Inserting the contents of a Pandas data frame into an Oracle database table.
pip install pandas_oracle
Sample usage:
import as pt query1 = "select id, name from students where name like '%Oscar%'" query2 = "select class, avg(age) from students group by class" ## opening conn conn = pt.open_connection("config.yml") ## passing the conn object to the query_to_df df1 = pt.query_to_df(query, conn, 10000) ## passing the conn object to the query_to_df , without to open again df2 = pt.query_to_df(query2, conn, 10) ## close connection pt.close_connection(conn)
ID NAME 0 3298272 Meyer,Oscar 1 2304928 Wilde,Oscar 2 7654321 Grouch,Oscar . ... ... 128 2234879 De La Hoya,Oscar 129 9872322 Peterson,Oscar 130 9082394 Sanchez,Oscar [131 rows x 2 columns]
Sample config file:
database: username: "OGROUCH" password: "SECR3TPASSWORD" sysdba: "n" host: > (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = (PORT = 1521) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SID = dbname) ) )
If you don't wish to store your password in the configuration file, you can omit that line. If a password isn't present in the configuration file, you will be prompted for it at runtime.
You can choose whether or not to connect with the SYSDBA role. If the yaml file doesn't include the "sysdba" property, it will connect like a normal user.
As of version 2.1.0, the _cc methods have been added (query_to_df_cc, execute_cc, and insert_multiple_cc). These methods get passed a config file rather than a connection object and take care of opening and closing the connection for you.