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This repository contains the files for the kmapper GmbH website at The website is based on Jekyll and Webpack to transpile any custom JavaScript. It makes use of the npm package gh-pages in order to push the built files to the gh-pages branch on GitHub from where a GitHub Pages site is being built.


  • Ruby
  • bundler
  • Jekyll
  • npm

Serve and Develop Locally

  1. Clone repository

  2. cd into repository

  3. Run bundle install to install the needed Ruby gems

  4. Run npm install to install the needed npm packages

  5. Run npm run start to transpile the JavaScript and start the Jekyll server

    Check the "start" script in package.json. npm run start will execute the following: ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --watch | jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml

Custom JavaScript

Custom JavaScript has to go into the webpack directory and each script has to be referenced as an entry in webpack.config.js. Otherwise it won't be transpiled by Bable.

Deploy to GitHub Pages

Run npm run deploy to build all static and transpiled files to the public directory and push them to the gh-pages branch on GitHub.