very simple drill to play a bit with mean
and play with the following concepts
use of npm
- npm start; npm test (cf. /package.json 'scripts' variable)
CRUD (mongoDB)
Single Page App
- Angular/Node: one can make "classical" websites by using node router
- One single page: ng-view directive + Angular router (<> Node router).
- Directive ng-view: here are inserted templates (bare ajax principle)
- Url change BUT after #, which means: no classical refresh
- Browser does not retrieve if change after #
- package json, server side dependencies
- client side dependencies: classical client (html)
- /public/client: can be served
- Use of angular-ui-bootstrap package => no conflict between Angular and jQuery(Bootstrap depends on jQuery) but that module has been rewritten WITHOUT jQuery
- Rule of thumb: never use jQuery with Angular
- Express router for '/' and for all ajax called resources
- Angular router to call templates/partials
Controllers & Module
- Angular Cornerstone
- refresh controllers with events:
- after insert, broadcast of an event, onEvent defined in controller -> call to function that cause list to refresh
- 1 file for module definition and router
- 1 file for controllers that aim for app browsing
- conf directory: java style
- model directory
- Mocha: npm install -g mocha
- For now: very simple
- type mocha and look for test directory
Misc * package.json:
* "scripts": {"start": "node ./bin/www", "test": "mocha" }
* => npm test : starts testing -
custom directive querySelector localization ? promises-asynch ? ui bootstrap light stats with D3 etc...