Password management and recovery bundle for Symfony using login links.
composer require cyve/password-manager-bundle
// config/bundles.php
return [
Cyve\PasswordManagerBundle\CyvePasswordManagerBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// config/routes.yaml
resource: "@CyvePasswordManagerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
// config/packages/security.yaml
check_route: app_login_check # or any login-link route
signature_properties: ['userIdentifier'] # add other properties if you want
/!\ The login link contains a _target_path
query parameter to redirect the user to the /password/update
route after the login. If you change the name of the parameter in the security config, the Symfony default redirection rules will be applied.
In a browser, go to /password/update
(require full authentication) and use the form to set a new password.
In a terminal, execute bin/console cyve:password:reset <username> <password>
In a browser, go to /password/request-login-link
and enter a user identifier. If the user exists, a notification email containing a login link will be sent to the user's email address. The user will be automatically redirected to the /passord/update
page after a successful login.