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A Collectible Card Game (CCG) Deck Recommender just for fun.

The paper is available on arxiv: Q-DeckRec: A Fast Deck Recommendation System for Collectible Card Games

All deck recommendation codes are available under combinatorial_search directory.


The paper tries to solve the following combinatorial optimization problem: Image of Tensorflow

We mainly have three models: "rl_prtr" refers to Q-DeckRec, 'sl' refers to the ad-hoc baseline using Monte-Carlo simulations, and "ga" refers to Genetic Algorithm.

We prepare two sets of problem instances: "synthetic neural network"and "deck recommendation". The latter is the real problem on which we conduct experiments in the paper.

All commands below are assumed to be executed under the combinatorial_search directory.

Synthetic Neural Network Problems

The synthetic neural network problem assumes f() is a function parameterized by a neural network. It also assumes x_o is fixed in all problem instances. Therefore, Q-DeckRec will learn a search policy to find the best x_p against the fixed x_o, while x_p is initialized randomly. This problem is the best starting point to experiment Q-DeckRec and other algorithms before moving to real deck recommendation problems.

Generate problems

# generate a problem where there are 20 total cards and deck size is 6
# the problem will be serialized in test_probs folder
# pv=0 means the index of the problem instance is 0. You can change 
# this index to create different problem instances.
python3.6 --k=20 --d=6 --env=env_nn --pv=0 --env_seed=303

Before test rl_prtr, we need to generate a pre-training RL model

# the model will be saved in prtr_models/
python3.6 --env_name="env_nn" --k=20 --d=6 --test_period=100 --load=0 --fixed_xo=1 --env_dir="test_probs/prob_env_nn_pv0_envseed303" --learn_wall_time_limit=5000 --root_dir="prtr_models"

# use tensorboard to check progress
tensorboard --logdir=prtr_models/rl_prtr_env_nn_k20_d6_t5000/

What you will see in tensorboard is:

Image of Tensorflow

x axis represents learning episode and y axis represents the win rate of x_p^d against x_o. The learned search policy will be more and more stable to approach the best x_p.

Test different methods

# final results will be stored in test_result.csv in the problem folder
python3.6 --method="rl_prtr" --prob_env_dir="test_probs/prob_env_nn_pv0_envseed303" --prtr_model_dir="prtr_models/rl_prtr_env_nn_k20_d6_t5000/optimizer_model_fixedxoTrue/qlearning"
python3.6 --method="ga" --wall_time_limit=5 --prob_env_dir="test_probs/prob_env_nn_pv0_envseed303"

Deck Recommendation Using MetaStone + GreedyMove AI

Generate problems

# the environment name is "env_greedymove"
# you can also refer to the script combinatorial_search/commands/env_greedymove/prob_generate.bash
python3.6 --k=312 --d=15 --env=env_greedymove --pv=0 --env_seed=303

Genetic Algorithm

# time limit 25 min (1500 seconds)
python --method="ga" --wall_time_limit=1500 --prob_env_dir="test_probs/prob_env_greedymove_pv0_envseed303"


# collect samples and train a neural network model as described in the paper
# model will be saved in prtr_models/rl_prtr_env_greedymove_k312_d15_t259200
python --env_name="env_greedymove" --k=312 --d=15 --test_period=99999999 --load=0 --env_dir="test_probs/prob_env_greedymove_pv0_envseed303" --learn_wall_time_limit=259200 --root_dir="prtr_models"

# test
python --method="rl_prtr" --prob_env_dir="test_probs/prob_env_greedymove_pv0_envseed303" --prtr_model_dir="prtr_models/rl_prtr_env_greedymove_k312_d15_t259200/optimizer_model_fixedxoFalse/qlearning" 

MC-simulation baseline

# collect training data. x: pairs of randomly generated (x_o, x_p), y: win rate
# --load=0 or 1 decides whether to load an existing dataset or not
# data collection will continues until reaching wall time limit (in seconds)
python3.6 --env_name="env_greedymove" --k=312 --d=15 --load=0 --wall_time_limit=259200 
# test it and results will be stored in test_result.csv in the problem folder
python3.6 --method="sl" --prob_env_dir="test_probs/prob_env_greedymove_pv0_envseed303" --prtr_model_dir="prtr_models/sl_env_greedymove_k312_d15_t259200" --wall_time_limit=259200 --sl_num_trial=67

Report results

python3.6 --env=env_greedymove

The following table shows test results. Some numbers might be slightly different than the paper due to different randomness.

Average Win Rate
Genetic Algorithm 25 min 0.95
Monte Carlo 67K 0.84
Q-DeckRec 3 days 0.93

File Structure in combinatorial_search directory

commands slurm commands to run experiments

environment Combinatorial Optimization environment set up. shadow.jar is the simulator for simulating Hearthstone matches controlled by greedy-based AI. See for how shadow.jar is generated.

GA Contains an example implemented by DEAP library

prioritized_exp A folder which contains all needed functions for prioritized experience replay (together with

prtr_models Not checked in the repository. But this directory stores all trained models.

resource Record what cards included in the simulator

slurm Slurm outputs files for debugging

test_probs Serialized test problems and test results A helper to evaluate different algorithms on test problem instances. A helper to evaluate CPU time usage of Helper code to implement genetic algorithm's mutate and crossover operators A logger helper to log test statistics on files. A helper to kick off QLearning training. It allows the tuning of various hyperparamters. Implement Q-Learning with MLP-based function approximator. It has two main functions: collect_samples keeps trying different x_o vs. x_p and store experiences (s, a, r, s', a') into a prioritized experience replay; learn keeps using the stored experiences to update MLP paramters. Randomly search for decks (each random deck needs a win-rate evaluation, which is costly) Report tool. For example, you can use python3.6 --env=env_greedymove to check the current results for the experiment in our paper. Learn a win-rate predictor and then use Monte Carlo simulation to sample random decks and pick the one with the highest predicted win rate Only for measuring CPU time of Tensorboard helper


Python 3.6. Please also see requirements.txt

Java 1.8

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