Algorithms for generating synthetic data.
All algorithms are differentially private (DP) enabling the user to specify their desired privacy level.
We support the following synthesizers:
- MarginalSynthesizer: synthesize each column independently via DP marginal distributions.
- UniformSynthesizer: synthesize each column independently via uniform distributions.
- ContingencySynthesizer: synthesize data via a DP contingency table of all attributes.
- PrivBayes (Zhang et al, 2017): synthesize data via a Bayesian network with DP conditional distributions.
Using pip
pip install synthetic-data-generation
# import pandas and desired synthesis algorithm, e.g. PrivBayes
import pandas as pd
from synthesis.synthesizers import PrivBayes
# load data
df = pd.read_csv('examples/data/original/adult.csv')
# set desired privacy level (differential privacy) - default = 1
epsilon = 0.1
# instantiate and fit synthesizer
pb = PrivBayes(epsilon=epsilon)
# Synthesize data
df_synth = pb.sample()
Alternatively, check out the example notebooks under examples/tutorials.