This project is a implementation of the org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate interface for Camunda version 7.16.0. It allows Camunda service tasks to invoke smart contracts using the SCIP protocols JSON RPC Binding. In case of a synchronous error in the reply message it throws a BPMN error event.
expected input parameters:
Local Variable Name | Variable Assignment Type | Description | example input |
timeout | String or Expression | timeout in ms or 0 for no timeout | 0 |
inputs | List | list of input parameters in the same format as the SCIP Json RPC binding uses or empty | {"name": "amount", "type": "{"type":"integer","minimum": 0,"maximum":115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935}", "value": 15 } |
outputs | List | list of output parameters in the same format as the SCIP Json RPC binding uses or empty | { "name": "newName", "type": " {"type":"string"}"} |
timeout | String or Expression | timeout in ms or 0 for no timeout | 0 |
doc | String or Expression | degree of confidence as floating point number | 50.1 |
callbackUrl | String or Expression | URL where the callback message should be send to, e.g the camunda message endpoint | |
functionIdentifier | String or Expression | name of the smart contract function to invoke | orderPart |
url | String or Expression | SCL of the smart contract to use | |
The Connector will send a JSON RPC 2.0 Request to the scip gateway, with randomly generated ID and "<ProcessID>_<ActivityID>" as correlation Identifier.
Build the project and put the jar file to a location where camunda platform can find it (This depends on the Camunda distribution. For Camunda Platform Run this is the userlibs folder.( For the camunda docker it is the "/camunda/lib/" folder. See the camunda documentation for details.)
The java class to use in the Task is: ScipConnector.ScipDelegate
See for an example where this delegate is used.