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Debugging simplex - works except for missing nan values
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dmnburrows committed Jan 14, 2022
1 parent 0aae9ca commit 0840017
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Showing 14 changed files with 947 additions and 1,160 deletions.
239 changes: 168 additions & 71 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/
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@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
import admin_functions as adfn
import LCE as lfn
Fcode = '/nadata/mnlsc/home/dburrows/Documents/empirical_dynamic_modelling/'
Fdata = '/nadata/mnlsc/home/dburrows/Documents/PTZ-WILDTYPE-CCM/'

Fdata = '/Users/dominicburrows/Dropbox/PhD/analysis/Project/PTZ-WILDTYPE-CCM/'

def CCM_sort(co, tr, dff, name, mode):
def CCM_sort(co, tr, dff, name):

Expand All @@ -14,7 +17,6 @@ def CCM_sort(co, tr, dff, name, mode):
trace (np array): cells x timepoints, raw fluorescence values
dff (np array): cells x timepoints, normalised fluorescence values
name (str): fish name for saving
mode (str): 'single' assumes file is continuous and saves as a single file; 'comb_3' assumes file should be split in 3.
f_dict (dict): dictionary containing coordinates, mean trace, trace, mean dff, and dff for all neurons in brain.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,88 +46,181 @@ def np2h5(full_name, array):
mean_dff = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, sub_dff)

if mode == 'single':
f_dict = { 'coord': sub_co, 'mean trace' : mean_tr, 'trace': sub_tr, 'mean dff' : mean_dff, 'dff' : sub_dff}

trace_list = ['trace', 'dff']
#loop through each trace type
for i in trace_list:
full_name = name + '_' + i + '_pre-CCM.h5'
#concatenate with mean trace at the top for kEDM
array = np.vstack((f_dict['mean ' + i], f_dict[i])).T
np2h5(full_name, array)

if mode == 'comb_2':
num = 9009

f_dict = { 'coord': sub_co, 'BLN mean trace' : mean_tr[:num], 'BLN trace': sub_tr[:,:num], 'BLN mean dff' : mean_dff[:num], 'BLN dff' : sub_dff[:,:num],
'PTZ05 mean trace' : mean_tr[num:], 'PTZ05 trace': sub_tr[:,num:], 'PTZ05 mean dff' : mean_dff[num:], 'PTZ05 dff' : sub_dff[:,num:]}

trace_list = ['trace', 'dff']
cond_list = ['BLN', 'PTZ05']
#loop through each trace type
for i in trace_list:
for e in cond_list:
full_name = name[0:-6] + e + "_" + name[-6:] + '_' + i + '_pre-CCM.h5'
#concatenate with mean trace at the top for kEDM
array = np.vstack((f_dict[e + ' mean ' + i], f_dict[e + ' ' + i])).T
np2h5(full_name, array)

if mode == 'comb_3':
#Check that each segment has the same length
if sub_tr.shape[1]%9828 == 0 and sub_dff.shape[1]%9828 == 0:

num = 9828

f_dict = { 'coord': sub_co, 'BLN mean trace' : mean_tr[:num], 'BLN trace': sub_tr[:,:num], 'BLN mean dff' : mean_dff[:num], 'BLN dff' : sub_dff[:,:num],
'PTZ05 mean trace' : mean_tr[num:2*num], 'PTZ05 trace': sub_tr[:,num:2*num], 'PTZ05 mean dff' : mean_dff[num:2*num], 'PTZ05 dff' : sub_dff[:,num:2*num],

'PTZ20 mean trace' : mean_tr[2*num:], 'PTZ20 trace': sub_tr[:,2*num:], 'PTZ20 mean dff' : mean_dff[2*num:], 'PTZ20 dff' : sub_dff[:,2*num:]}

trace_list = ['trace', 'dff']
cond_list = ['BLN', 'PTZ05', 'PTZ20']
#loop through each trace type
for i in trace_list:
for e in cond_list:
full_name = name[0:-6] + e + "_" + name[-6:] + '_' + i + '_pre-CCM.h5'
#concatenate with mean trace at the top for kEDM
array = np.vstack((f_dict[e + ' mean ' + i], f_dict[e + ' ' + i])).T
np2h5(full_name, array)

print('Data has non equal condition lengths')
f_dict = { 'coord': sub_co, 'mean trace' : mean_tr, 'trace': sub_tr, 'mean dff' : mean_dff, 'dff' : sub_dff}

trace_list = ['trace', 'dff']
#loop through each trace type
for i in trace_list:
full_name = name + '_' + i + '_pre-CCM.h5'
#concatenate with mean trace at the top for kEDM
array = np.vstack((f_dict['mean ' + i], f_dict[i])).T
np2h5(full_name, array) + '/' + mode + '/' + name + '_pre-CCM.npy', f_dict)


print("data wrong shape")

def simplex_project(data, E, tau, t_range):

This function performs simplex projection over t time steps. Briefly, it splits a time series in library and prediction sets.
It then embeds the library manifold in E dimensions, using E time lags. For each point p (embedded in E dim space) in the
prediction timeseries, the algorithm finds the E+1 nearest neighbours in the library manifold which forms a simplex around
the point p. The algorithm then iterates t time steps into the future, predicting the position of point p at t using the
positions of each neighbour at t exponentially weighted by the distances from p at t0. Finally the correlation between true
and predicted values are returned. See: Sugihara et al. 'Nonlinear Forecasting as a way of distinguishing chaos from measurement
error in time series'.
data (np array): 1d vector of time series to perform simplex projection.
E (int): embedding dimension
tau (int): time delay to use for embedding
t_range (int): how many time steps ahead to predict
corr_vec (list): list of correlations for each t

from scipy import spatial
import numpy as np

corr_list = list_series(2, t_range) # for each time prediction there should be a 2d list to put in real and pred values

# split data in half into library and prediction
lib = data[:data.shape[0]//2]
pred = data[data.shape[0]//2:]

# Build manifold with given E and tau
lib_m = lfn.takens_embed(E, tau, lib)
pred_m = lfn.takens_embed(E, tau, pred)

#find the E+1 nearest neighbours in library
dist_mat = spatial.distance_matrix(pred_m, lib_m) #compute distances between all points
nn_num = E+1 #how many nearest neighbours to find

#Loop through each point in pred
for num in range(pred_m.shape[0]):

# Find nearest neighbours in library for each pred_m point
current_point = pred_m[num]
curr_dist = dist_mat[num]
nn_ind = sorted(range(len(curr_dist)), key=lambda k: curr_dist[k])[:nn_num] #return indeces of nearest neighbours in library

#Calculate weights for simplex projection - weights are calculated from nn distance at t0
nn = lib_m[nn_ind] #positions of nearest neighbours in library, to current point in pred at t0
nn_dist = dist_mat[num, nn_ind] #distances of each nn to our pred point
w_mat = np.exp(-1*(nn_dist/np.min(nn_dist))) #matrix of weights for each nn

# Loop in time and predict
for t in range(1, t_range+1):

# Where do nn end up at t + n
nn_ind_tp = np.array(nn_ind) + t #find indeces of neighbours in the future for simplex projection

if sum(nn_ind_tp >= lib_m.shape[0]) >0: #ignore points whose boundaries go outside the data

nn_tp = lib_m[nn_ind_tp] # locations of neighbours in future

#Simple project - how much do the positions of neighbours relative to point of interest change over time
#use weights from t 0
#use neighbour points from t + n
x_tp = pred[num] #Point I am trying to predict

x_tp_pred = 0
for nn_i in range(w_mat.shape[0]): #Loop through each nn and sum over the weight*position at tp
x_tp_pred+= (w_mat[nn_i]/np.sum(w_mat))*nn_tp[nn_i]
x_tp_pred = x_tp_pred[0] #project back into 1d space

corr_list[t-1][0] = np.append(corr_list[t-1][0], x_tp) #true
corr_list[t-1][1] = np.append(corr_list[t-1][1], x_tp_pred) #estimated

#Calculate correlation coefficient
corr_vec = []
for f in range(len(corr_list)): corr_vec = np.append(corr_vec, np.corrcoef(corr_list[f][0][1:],corr_list[f][1][1:])[0][1])

def find_E_simplex(data, tau, E_range, t_range):

This function runs simplex projection over a range of E values with a given tau,
and returns the E with greatest correlation between real variable and predicted.
data (np array): 1d vector of time series to perform simplex projection.
tau (int): time delay to use for embedding
E_range (int): how many embedding dimensions to check
t_range (int): how many time steps ahead to predict
E (int): optimal embedding dimension that best unfolds the manifold
import numpy as np

corr_l = [0]*E_range
for E in range(1, E_range+1):
corr_l[E-1] = simplex_project(data, E, tau, t_range)
print('Done E = ' + str(E))

E = np.where(corr_l == np.max(corr_l))[0][0] + 1

def kspace_meantrace(coord, trace, k):
This function performs kmeans on spatial coordinates and averages cell traces.
coord (np array): X x Y x Z coordinates
trace (np array): signal x time
k (int): k clusters
k_coord (np array): space x dimension for clustered cells
k_trace (np array): signal x time for clustered cells

from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
import numpy as np

k_coord, k_lab = kmeans2(coord, k) #Perform k means
k_coord = k_coord[np.unique(k_lab)] #remove empty clusters

k_trace = np.zeros((len(np.unique(k_lab)),trace.shape[1]))
for x,n in enumerate(np.unique(k_lab)): #loop through all clusters
sub_trace = trace[k_lab == n] #Find traces of clustered coords
k_trace[x] = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, sub_trace)

return(k_coord, k_trace)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,4 +248,6 @@ def E_ccm_heatmap(E, ccm, n_bins):
for i in unq:
hist[count] = np.histogram(np.ravel(ccm[np.where(E == i)]), bins = np.linspace(0, 1, n_bins+1))[0]


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