Using org.scalameter._
package on top of Gradle Kotlin DSL project...
./gradlew clean ; ./gradlew ; java -jar ./build/libs/*-all.jar
output example
executed "(0 until 1000000).toArray.reverse" in: 52.108281 ms
executed with warmer "(0 until 1000000).toArray.reverse" in: 6.736713 ms
Scope: ⠋
Overall: ⠰0:00:00 ◁․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․▷ Fork 1/0 🡺
executed with warmer configuration "(0 until 1000000).toArray.reverse" in: 12.393093 ms
Starting warmup1
measurements: 12.393093 ms
executed with IgnoringGC "(0 until 1000000).toArray.reverse" in: 8.311437 ms