#SubredditAnalysis (Ruby)
A Ruby implementation based on but not a direct port of RedditAnalysisBot by SirNeon
- Ruby 2.3.1
- redd
- Sqlite3
###Install Dependencies
- Clone the repo
- bundle install
- create a config.yml in config based on the example pointing to your Reddit script app credentials
- Uses minitest and mocha
- bundle exec rake test
###Run The Bot
./bin/run_subreddit_analysis [subreddit_name e.g. askreddit]
###Configuration Options
- user_agent: [should be descriptive and reference your user name]
- data_folder: [where to put the sqlite db file]
- submission_limit: [how many submissions to crawl for the selected subreddit]
- comment_limit: [how many comments to crawl for each submission]
- user_activity_limit: [how many comments and submissions to crawl for each user who submitted or commented to the seleced subreddit]
###Dealing with Reddit rate limiting
- The bot tries to honor the timeout provided via redd on errors but otherwise sleeps for a set period before retrying
- Are dropped into a csv file in a reports folder titled by date and subreddit
- File has a simple count of the number of different submitters and commenters of the selected subreddit also submitted or commented into another subreddit
count | subreddit |
AskReddit | 12711 |
funny | 6543 |
pics | 6089 |
todayilearned | 5690 |
Showerthoughts | 5228 |
gaming | 5055 |
videos | 4530 |
gifs | 4129 |
news | 3907 |