That project is a simple recommender based on data from hotels. Created for Recommender Systems Class conducted by @PiotrZiolo
Create (and activate) a new environment with Python 3.8 with conda.
Linux or Mac:
conda create --name recommender python=3.8 source activate recommender
conda create --name recommender python=3.8 activate recommender
Install jupyter notebook
pip install notebook
Install all needed packages
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn ipython sklearn hyperopt
Start Jupyter Notebook
- project_1_data_preparation.ipynb contains the process of preprocessing data
- project_1_recommender_and_evaluation contains recommender
- To create user features I used one-hot encoding from all values that appeared in every column.
- To create item features I used pandas.get_dummies() which did basically the same as the method I used to create user features.
- To get negative interactions I took random all item_ids and random sample from user_ids with size of item_ids list. Then i iterated over item_ids and checked if there is a row in dataframe with that item_id and user_id.
- I've decided to use LinearRegressionCBUIRecommender, because it worked for me the best and got tuned relatively quick. It even beat Amazon recommender.
Recommender | HR@1 | HR@3 | HR@5 | HR@10 | NGCG@1 | NGCG@3 | NGCG@5 | NGCG@10 |
LinearRegressionCBUIRecommender | 0.049219 | 0.130007 | 0.174134 | 0.233198 | 0.049219 | 0.094502 | 0.113016 | 0.131827 |