This is a simple NodeJS application and a distelli manifest file that can be used to deploy your application to any server using the Distelli Deployment Platform
- Install the DistelliCLI
- Add your Server. Make sure its an Ubuntu Server.
Clone this repo and follow the steps below to deploy the SimpleNodeApp to your server.
Edit the distelli-manifest.yml file and replace <username> at the top of the file with your username from your Distelli Account
Create the Application: (What is this?)
Replace <username> with your username
% distelli create <username>/SimpleNodeApp Creating App: SimpleNodeApp App SimpleNodeApp created successfully
Push a new Release: (what is a release?)
% distelli push -m "Initial Release of SimpleNodeApp" Pushing App: SimpleNodeApp Uploading: [==========] 100% Creating Releases... DONE
Deploy the release you just pushed using the Distelli Web Interface. (show me how)
Wait for the deployment to complete. Once the deployment is finished the SimpleNode App will be running on your server on port 8080. To test it out make a request and you should see a hello world message:
curl Hello World from NodeJS and Distelli!