A typeahead component for DarwinEd app
- live example: http://daniel-llach.github.io/dw-typeahead/
dwTypeahead show options divide into groups, one option can be insert in many groups.
Every option has a primary text that is the main content and a secondary text that is a context or specific content for that options
dwTypeahead has its own search sintax:
Just type what you want and dwTypeahead search you text into all primary and secondly content in every groups
If yo begin typing whit a colon ( : ), dwTypeahead interprets that you want to search by groups, and show only the groups that match whit you text.
If you filter by groups and add a space the next word filter the options o the filter groups.
1.1.- Install dependencies from bower into your project
bower install --save dw-typeahead
1.2.- Include dependencies in your html:
<!-- dw-typeahead dependencies -->
<script src="./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="./component/dw-typeahead.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./component/dw-typeahead.css">
Execute the dwTypeahead class on a selector. It will be rendered a dw-typeahead element in this container inherit its position and width.
If the dwTypeahead() class has an object the API interprets that is a new element and create it.
The API accepts the next configurations:
Put the placeholder text that you want.
placeholder: 'Select your animal'
dwTypeahead recives the next configuration:
placeholder: 'Select your animal',
data: [
id: 1,
primary: 'Cat',
secondary: 'Gray',
selected: false,
group: ['feline']
id: 2,
primary: 'Dog',
secondary: 'White',
selected: false,
group: ['canine']
The next are the fields of an option object:
id: An identifier
primary: The text that show in the first line of an option
secondary: The text that show in the second line of an option
selected: Indicate if this particular options has selected
group: The groups where the option will be inserted, one option can be insert in many groups
This methods empty the container div and remove class too.
When one option was selected dwTypeahead trigger a change events that you can listen as follow:
change: function(event){
var result = $('#id').data('result');
console.log("sample1 data: ", result);
You can view a local demo installing the component and open /bower_components/dw-typeahead/index.html in your browser (localhost/your_rute).
You must change the bower_components dependencies rutes as follow:
<script src="../jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../underscore/underscore-min.js"></script>
Confirm that your server are serving well the svg files, add to your .htacces the follow:
AddType image/svg+xml .svg .svgz