MeinBot is a discord bot that can make almost anything! Well.. not anything but still he can do a lots of stuff.
$ git clone
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Commands | Usage |
.help | Displays help command for bot |
.clear | Delete certain number of messages |
.command | Shows basic commands |
.ping | Pings the bot with response |
.repeat | Bot will repeat what you write |
.q | Ask your troubling question |
.rn | Generates random number |
.yn | Random yes/no option |
.poke | Mention user x times |
.userinfo | Prints info about given user |
.wiki | Finds any wikipedia page(buggy) |
.lyrics | Prints lyrics of given song |
.ig | Uploads profile picture from instagram |
.avatar | Uploads profile picture from discord |
.days | Prints date |
.corona | Prints covid cases from the specific country |
.movie | Generates movie from Top 250 IMDb movies |
.info | Shows info about bot |