gjb CCP-12345
make changes
git push
pull master
pullto master
pull it
pullto it
pull rel/1805
pullto rel/1805
- discosdu usual sdu arguments
Jira Description to Branch Name
j2b jiraissue
j2b will:
- generate a git branch name from a jira description
The branch name is echoed to stdout.
$ j2b CCP-17382
Git Jira Branch
gjb jiraissue
gjb will:
- show you the fixed versions declared on the jira item,
- prompt you for rel branches you plan to target
- find the best merge base to branch from to allow your new branch to be merged safely into master, it, rel/...
- checkout a new branch at the point named after the jira description
- push that branch to origin
gjb will give you opportunities to abort.
Pull locally discovered target branches
just pulls master, it and any rel branches it finds in the current repo
Pull a named branch
pull name
pull will:
- pack up any outstanding changes in the current branch into a temp branch
- check out name and pull
- check out the original branch and restore the "stashed" changes
Safely merge a local branch to a named target on the server using a pull request
pullto target
pullto will:
- test that a merge from the current branch to the target will not conflict
- push current branch to origin
- create a pull request from origin current branch to origin target branch
- merge pull request using no-ff strategy
pullto will give you opportunities to abort.
Run sdu and check in changes to the origin schema repos
discosdu sdu args
discosdu will:
prepare target Schema repos:
- clean them
- create new schema branches at the head of target with the same name as the current app branch
run sdu with the provided args
do roughly what pullto does for each of the schema apps, but using ff strategy
disco will give you opportunities to abort.
Show the best merge-base to develop on from a list of target branches the work will eventually be merged into
bestmergebase master it rel/1805 ...
bestmergebase will:
Look at all available merge bases of the branch names given to it as arguments, and return the one with the fewest commit differences with master.
Branch name to commit message
b2m jiraissue
b2m will:
- read a branch name from stdin and echo the corresponding commit message to stdout
$ echo danh/feature/CCP-17382----_Investigate_push_notifications_for_CiAnywhere | b2m
CCP-17382: Investigate push notifications for CiAnywhere
Current branch name
branch will:
- echo the current working branch name to stdout
$ branch
$ git commit -m "$(branch | b2m)"
Hopefully everything you need is already installed on your Amazon Workspace.
Unix tools: grep; sed; awk; expr; ...
These already seem to be available in the mingw64 bash terminal that launches when you click the Terminal icon in Sourcetree. -
t1get install openssl
t1get install nodejs
t1get install curl
If you run into trouble with the pullto steps that create pull requests/merge pull requests:
- Run
- make sure the email address you provide uses the same casing as the email shown in your https://git.code.one/account.
If you run into trouble with the pullto steps that create pull requests/merge pull requests:
- Change your bitbucket password to your jira password or change your jira password to your bitbucket password
- Run