Statically sized arrays for Julia 0.5
StaticArrays provides a framework for implementing statically sized arrays
in Julia (≥ 0.5), using the abstract type StaticArray{T,N} <: DenseArray{T,N}
Subtypes of StaticArray
will provide fast implementations of common array and
linear algebra operations. Note that here "statically sized" means that the
size can be determined from the type (so concrete implementations of
must define a method size(::Type{T})
), and "static" does not
necessarily imply immutable
The package also provides some concrete static array types: SVector
, SMatrix
and SArray
, which may be used as-is (or else embedded in your own type).
Mutable versions MVector
, MMatrix
and MArray
are also exported. Further,
the abstract FieldVector
can be used to make fast StaticVector
s out of any
uniform Julia "struct".
The speed of small SVector
s, SMatrix
s and SArray
s is often > 10 × faster
than Base.Array
. See this sample benchmark (or see the full results here):
Benchmarks for 3×3 matrices
Matrix multiplication
Array -> 3.973188 seconds (74.07 M allocations: 6.623 GB, 12.92% gc time)
SArray -> 0.326989 seconds (5 allocations: 240 bytes)
MArray -> 2.248258 seconds (37.04 M allocations: 2.759 GB, 14.06% gc time)
Matrix multiplication (mutating)
Array -> 2.237091 seconds (6 allocations: 480 bytes)
MArray -> 0.795372 seconds (6 allocations: 320 bytes)
Matrix addition
Array -> 2.610709 seconds (44.44 M allocations: 3.974 GB, 11.81% gc time)
SArray -> 0.073024 seconds (5 allocations: 240 bytes)
MArray -> 0.896849 seconds (22.22 M allocations: 1.656 GB, 21.33% gc time)
Matrix addition (mutating)
Array -> 0.872791 seconds (6 allocations: 480 bytes)
MArray -> 0.145895 seconds (5 allocations: 240 bytes)
(Run with julia -O3
for even faster SIMD code with immutable static arrays!)
Pkg.add("StaticArrays") # or Pkg.clone("")
using StaticArrays
# Create an SVector using various forms, using constructors, functions or macros
v1 = SVector(1, 2, 3) === (1, 2, 3) # SVector uses a tuple for internal storage
v2 = SVector{3,Float64}(1, 2, 3) # length 3, eltype Float64
v3 = @SVector [1, 2, 3]
v4 = @SVector [i^2 for i = 1:10] # arbitrary comprehensions (range is evaluated at global scope)
v5 = zeros(SVector{3}) # defaults to Float64
v6 = @SVector zeros(3)
v7 = SVector{3}([1, 2, 3]) # Array conversions must specify size
# Can get size() from instance or type
size(v1) == (3,)
size(typeof(v1)) == (3,)
# Similar constructor syntax for matrices
m1 = SMatrix{2,2}(1, 2, 3, 4) # flat, column-major storage, equal to m2:
m2 = @SMatrix [ 1 3 ;
2 4 ]
m3 = eye(SMatrix{3,3})
m4 = @SMatrix randn(4,4)
m5 = SMatrix{2,2}([1 3 ; 2 4]) # Array conversions must specify size
# Higher-dimensional support
a = @SArray randn(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
# Supports all the common operations of AbstractArray
v7 = v1 + v2
v8 = sin.(v3)
v3 == m3 * v3 # recall that m3 = eye(SMatrix{3,3})
# map, reduce, broadcast, map!, broadcast!, etc...
# Indexing also supports tuples
v1[1] === 1
v1[(3,2,1)] === @SVector [3, 2, 1]
v1[:] === v1
typeof(v1[[1,2,3]]) == Vector # Can't determine size from the type of [1,2,3]
# Inherits from DenseArray, so is hooked into BLAS, LAPACK, etc:
rand(MMatrix{20,20}) * rand(MMatrix{20,20}) # large matrices can use BLAS
eig(m3) # eig(), etc use LAPACK
# Static arrays stay statically sized, even when used by Base functions, etc:
typeof(eig(m3)) == Tuple{MVector{3,Float64}, MMatrix{3,3,Float64,9}}
# similar() returns a mutable container, while similar_type() returns a constructor:
typeof(similar(m3)) == MMatrix{3,3,Float64,9} # (final parameter is length = 9)
similar_type(m3) == SMatrix{3,3,Float64,9}
# reshape() uses types to specify size:
reshape([1,2,3,4], SMatrix{2,2}) === @SMatrix [ 1 3 ;
2 4 ]
Primarily, the package provides methods for common AbstractArray
specialized for (potentially immutable) statically sized arrays. Many of
Julia's built-in method definitions inherently assume mutability, and further
performance optimizations may be made when the size of the array is know to the
compiler (by loop unrolling, for instance).
At the lowest level, getindex
on statically sized arrays will call getfield
on types or tuples, and in this package StaticArray
s are limited to
access patterns with 1-based indexing. What this means is that
all StaticArray
s support linear indexing into a dense, column-based storage
format. By simply defining size(::Type{T})
and getindex(::T, ::Integer)
the StaticArray
interface will look after multi-dimensional indexing,
, reduce
, broadcast
, matrix multiplication and a
variety of other operations.
Finally, since StaticArrays <: DenseArray
, many methods such as sqrtm
, chol
, and more are already defined in Base
. Fast, specialized methods
for det
, inv
, eig
and chol
are provided for square matrices up to 3×3.
Meanwhile, conversion to pointers let us interact with LAPACK and similar C/Fortran libraries through
the existing StridedArray
interface. In some instances mutable StaticArray
or MMatrix
) will be returned, while in other cases the definitions
fall back to Array
. This approach gives us maximal versatility now while
retaining the ability to implement more fast specializations in the future.
Statically sized indexing can be realized by indexing each dimension by a
scalar, an NTuple{N, Integer}
or :
(on statically sized arrays only).
Indexing in this way will result a statically sized array (even if the input was
dynamically sized) of the closest type (as defined by similar_type
Conversely, indexing a statically sized array with a dynamically sized index
(such as a Vector{Integer}
or UnitRange{Integer}
) will result in a standard
(dynamically sized) Array
Since immutable arrays need to be constructed "all-at-once", we need a way of
obtaining an appropriate constructor if the element type or dimensions of the
output array differs from the input. To this end, similar_type
is introduced,
behaving just like similar
, except that it returns a type. Relevant methods
similar_type{A <: StaticArray}(::Type{A}) # defaults to A
similar_type{A <: StaticArray, ElType}(::Type{A}, ::Type{ElType}) # Change element type
similar_type{A <: StaticArray}(::Type{A}, size::Tuple{Int...}) # Change size
similar_type{A <: StaticArray, ElType}(::Type{A}, ::Type{ElType}, size::Tuple{Int...}) # Change both
These setting will affect everything, from indexing, to matrix multiplication
and broadcast
Use of similar
will fall back to a mutable container, such as a MVector
(see below).
The simplest static array is the SVector
, defined as
immutable SVector{N,T} <: StaticVector{T}
defines a series of convenience constructors, so you can just type
e.g. SVector(1,2,3)
. Alternatively there is an intelligent @SVector
where you can use native Julia array literals syntax, comprehensions, and the
, ones()
, fill()
, rand()
and randn()
functions, such as @SVector [1,2,3]
@SVector Float64[1,2,3]
, @SVector [f(i) for i = 1:10]
, @SVector zeros(3)
@SVector randn(Float32, 4)
, etc (Note: the range of a comprehension is evaluated at global scope by the
macro, and must be made of combinations of literal values, functions, or global
variables, but is not limited to just simple ranges. Extending this to
(hopefully statically known by type-inference) local-scope variables is hoped
for the future. The zeros()
, ones()
, fill()
, rand()
and randn()
functions do not have this
Static matrices are also provided by SMatrix
. It's definition is a little
more complicated:
immutable SMatrix{S1, S2, T, L} <: StaticMatrix{T}
data::NTuple{L, T}
Here L
is the length
of the matrix, such that S1 × S2 = L
. However,
convenience constructors are provided, so that L
, T
and even S2
unnecessary. At minimum, you can type SMatrix{2}(1,2,3,4)
to create a 2×2
matrix (the total number of elements must divide evenly into S1
). A
convenience macro @SMatrix [1 2; 3 4]
is provided (which also accepts
comprehensions and the zeros()
, ones()
, fill()
, rand()
, randn()
and eye()
A container with arbitrarily many dimensions is defined as
immutable SArray{Size,T,N,L} <: StaticArray{T,N}
, where
Size = (S1, S2, ...)
is a tuple of Int
s. You can easily construct one with
the @SArray
macro, supporting all the features of @SVector
and @SMatrix
(but with arbitrary dimension).
Notably, the main reason SVector
and SMatrix
are defined is to make it
easier to define the types without the extra tuple characters (compare
to SArray{(3,)}
). This extra convenience was made possible
because it is so easy to define new StaticArray
subtypes, and they naturally
work together.
These statically sized arrays are identical to the above, but are defined as
mutable Julia type
s, instead of immutable
. Because they are mutable, they
allow setindex!
to be defined (achieved through pointer manipulation, into a
As a consequence of Julia's internal implementation, these mutable containers
live on the heap, not the stack. Their memory must be allocated and tracked by
the garbage collector. Nevertheless, there is opportunity for speed
improvements relative to Base.Array
because (a) there may be one less
pointer indirection, (b) their (typically small) static size allows for
additional loop unrolling and inlining, and consequentially (c) their mutating
methods like map!
are extremely fast. Benchmarking shows that operations such
as addition and matrix multiplication are faster for MMatrix
than Matrix
at least for sizes up to 14 × 14, though keep in mind that optimal speed will
be obtained by using mutating functions (like map!
or A_mul_B!
) where
possible, rather than reallocating new memory.
Mutable static arrays also happen to be very useful containers that can be
constructed on the heap (with the ability to use setindex!
, etc), and later
copied as e.g. an immutable SVector
to the stack for use, or into e.g. an
for storage.
Convenience macros @MVector
, @MMatrix
and @MArray
are provided.
Sometimes it might be useful to imbue your own types, having multiple fields,
with vector-like properties. StaticArrays can take care of this for you by
allowing you to inherit from FieldVector{T}
. For example, consider:
immutable Point3D <: FieldVector{Float64}
With this type, users can easily access fields to p = Point3D(x,y,z)
, p.y
or p.z
, or alternatively via p[1]
, p[2]
, or p[3]
. You may
even permute the coordinates with p[(3,2,1)]
). Furthermore, Point3D
is a
complete AbstractVector
implementation where you can add, subtract or scale
vectors, multiply them by matrices (and return the same type), etc.
It is also worth noting that FieldVector
s may be mutable or immutable, and
that setindex!
is defined for use on mutable types. For mutable containers,
you may want to define a default constructor (no inputs) that can be called by
You can easily create your own StaticArray
type, by defining both size
the type, and linear getindex
(and optionally setindex!
for mutable types
- see
setindex(::SVector, val, i)
in MVector.jl for an example of how to achieve this through pointer manipulation). Your type should define a constructor that takes a tuple of the data (and mutable containers may want to define a default constructor).
Other useful functions to overload may be similar_type
(and similar
mutable containers).
In order to convert from a dynamically sized AbstractArray
to one of the
statically sized array types, you must specify the size explicitly. For
v = [1,2]
m = [1 2;
3 4]
# ... a lot of intervening code
sv = SVector{2}(v)
sm = SMatrix{2,2}(m)
sa = SArray{(2,2)}(m)
We have avoided adding SVector(v::AbstractVector)
as a valid constructor to
help users avoid the type instability (and potential performance disaster, if
used without care) of this innocuous looking expression.
It seems Julia and LLVM are smart enough to use processor vectorization
extensions like SSE and AVX - however they are currently partially disabled by
default. Run Julia with julia -O
or julia -O3
to enable these optimizations,
and many of your (immutable) StaticArray
methods should become significantly
You can try using StaticArrays.FixedSizeArrays
to add some compatibility
wrappers for the most commonly used features of the FixedSizeArrays package,
such as Vec
, Mat
, Point
and @fsa
. These wrappers do not provide a
perfect interface, but may help in trying out StaticArrays with pre-existing
This package takes inspiration from: