NOTICE This add-on does not work pending a bug and is therefore not available as an add-on for Firefox. Please, see the following alternatives:
- Automatic Spelling Language for Firefox
- Automatic Dictionary for Thunderbird
Based on the text entered in a textarea, this add-on automatically detects the language and sets the corresponding spell checking dictionary. You need to type at least 25 characters before the add-on will start. Before that limit is reached, it disables spell checking. A small icon on the extension's icon will give you feedback about the language that has been detected.
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This add-on is implemented using cfx.
It uses the following files that are taken from other Open Source and Creative Commons sources:
- language identification by Titus Wormer released under MIT license (
- languages codes, based on JSON by Titus Wormer released under MIT license (
- based on icon by Farhat Datta, released under a Creative Commons like license: Relax-Attribution / Share Alike / Semi-Noncommercial, see for details.