This is an application developed with AngularJs and Wakanda, intended to show the implementation of a user management system in Single-Page Applications. It has functionalities of creating/modifying/deleting users and controlling what each user can see/do in the application based on roles.
The AngularJS part was inspired on the online tutorial made by Gert Hengeveld, available at Techniques for authentication in AngularJS applications.
First, be sure to have Node.js installed in your computer. Download it at It comes with the npm package manager, that will be used to install all the front-end components of the application.
Install Yeoman, Bower and Grunt using the command:
npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli
For more details of this step, please visit
Installed Wakanda Server and Wakanda Studio. They are both available at
Get the project:
git clone
Go to the folder gestionContact/angularContact.
Install Node dependencies:
npm install
Install Bower dependencies:
bower install
Initialize the application:
grunt initConfig
Congratulations! Now you can run the application!
First, start Wakanda Studio and open the Solution of the application. Then, start the Solution clicking the "Start Solution" at the top of the studio.
Finally, go to the folder gestionContact/angularContact and start the app:
grunt serve
This will automatically open a window in your default browser with the application.