Munin and Nagios plugins for a three-phase Server Tech PDU.
For Munin: RTFM
Quick and Dirty:
Assuming the hostname of your Server Tech PDU is my-pdu and you've configured SNMP appropriately, you can perform the following commands on the munin node you have designated for SNMP.
For Sentry3: (firmware 7.x)
Note: my sentry3 code is designed for and tested on 3-phase.
git clone
sudo cp sentry-plugins/munin/ /usr/share/munin/plugins/snmp__sentry3
sudo munin-node-configure --shell --snmp my-pdu
For Sentry4: (firmware 8.x)
Note: my sentry4 code is designed for and tested on single phase, 2 branches.
git clone
sudo cp sentry-plugins/munin/ /usr/share/munin/plugins/snmp__sentry4
sudo munin-node-configure --shell --snmp my-pdu
That should print out, for example:
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/snmp__sentry3 /etc/munin/plugins/snmp_my-pdu_sentry3
So, you can:
sudo munin-node-configure --shell --snmp my-pdu | sudo sh
sudo service munin-node restart
You could then test things out with a sample run:
$ sudo munin-run snmp_my-pdu_sentry3
multigraph power_amps_drawn
Master_Y.value 3.76
Master_X.value 5.82
Master_Z.value 7.46
multigraph power_power_factor
Master_Y.value 0.91
Master_X.value 0.89
Master_Z.value 0.91
multigraph power_crest_factor
Master_Y.value 1.7
Master_X.value 1.8
Master_Z.value 1.7
$ sudo munin-run snmp_my-other-pdu_sentry4
multigraph power_amps_drawn
AA:BR1.value 1.89
AA:BR2.value 2.25
On your Munin Master node, add the node to your /etc/munin/munin.conf file. This is explained at
You can build an aggregate graph across your PDUs like so:
update no
power_watts_total.graph_category power
power_watts_total.graph_args --lower-limit 0
power_watts_total.graph_vlabel kW
power_watts_total.graph_scale no
power_watts_total.graph_title Power Draw in Kilowatts
power_watts_total.aggregate.label Power Draw in Kilowatts
power_watts_total.aggregate.min 0
power_watts_total.aggregate.colour dd0000
power_watts_total.aggregate.sum \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
power_watts_total.aggregate.cdef aggregate,208,*,1000,/
The above assumes pdu-01 and pdu-02 are three-phase PDUs running on the sentry3 plugin, and pdu-03 is a single-phase, two branch PDU running on the sentry4 plugin. The last line renders the graphs in Kilowatts by multiplying Amps * 208V * 1000. Your Voltage might be different.
These are quick and dirty and brittle and probably will not work for you without a little TLC. They take no parameters beyond hostname and optional SNMP community name.
Assumptions behind these hacky checks: sentry3
is for 208V 20A 3-phase
circuit, sentry4
is for 208V 30A dual-branch circuit.