feat: Add scripts for CloudWatch and IAM actions #69
30 errors
Black found 30 errors
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next_token = None
while True:
if next_token:
- response = appstream_client.describe_image_permissions(Name=image_name, NextToken=next_token)
+ response = appstream_client.describe_image_permissions(
+ Name=image_name, NextToken=next_token
+ )
response = appstream_client.describe_image_permissions(Name=image_name)
for permission in response.get("SharedImagePermissionsList", []):
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def unshare_image(appstream_client, image_name, account_ids):
for account_id in account_ids:
- appstream_client.delete_image_permissions(Name=image_name, SharedAccountId=account_id)
+ appstream_client.delete_image_permissions(
+ Name=image_name, SharedAccountId=account_id
+ )
print(f"Unshared image from account: {account_id}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to unshare image from account {account_id}: {str(e)}")
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if shared_account_ids is None:
if shared_account_ids:
- print(f"Image '{image_name}' is shared with {len(shared_account_ids)} account(s):")
+ print(
+ f"Image '{image_name}' is shared with {len(shared_account_ids)} account(s):"
+ )
for account_id in shared_account_ids:
print(f" - {account_id}")
confirm = input("Do you want to unshare and then delete the image? (y/n): ")
if confirm.lower() != "y":
print("Operation cancelled.")
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creation_time_millis = log_group.get("creationTime", 0)
creation_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(creation_time_millis / 1000)
# Calculate the age of the log group
age_delta = datetime.now() - creation_date
- age_human_readable = f"{age_delta.days} days" if age_delta.days > 0 else "less than a day"
+ age_human_readable = (
+ f"{age_delta.days} days" if age_delta.days > 0 else "less than a day"
+ )
# Append the extracted information to the list
log_groups_info.append((log_group_name, creation_date, age_delta.days))
# Sort by age in descending order (most days to least days)
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log_groups_info = fetch_log_groups_with_creation_dates()
# Prepare data for tabulate
table_data = [
- (log_group_name, creation_date, f"{age_days} days" if age_days > 0 else "less than a day")
+ (
+ log_group_name,
+ creation_date,
+ f"{age_days} days" if age_days > 0 else "less than a day",
+ )
for log_group_name, creation_date, age_days in log_groups_info
# Print table
headers = ["Log Group", "Created On", "Age"]
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to_delete_groups.append((group["logGroupName"], age))
# Print kept groups
print("Log groups to keep:")
for name, age in kept_groups:
- print(f"{'[DRY RUN] ' if dry_run else ''}Keeping log group: {name} (Age: {age})")
+ print(
+ f"{'[DRY RUN] ' if dry_run else ''}Keeping log group: {name} (Age: {age})"
+ )
# Print groups to delete
print("\nLog groups to delete:")
for name, age in to_delete_groups:
- print(f"{'[DRY RUN] Would delete' if dry_run else 'Deleting'} log group: {name} (Age: {age})")
+ print(
+ f"{'[DRY RUN] Would delete' if dry_run else 'Deleting'} log group: {name} (Age: {age})"
+ )
print(f"Total log groups: {total_groups}")
print(f"Log groups kept: {len(kept_groups)}")
print(f"Log groups to be deleted: {len(to_delete_groups)}")
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print(f"Access denied when trying to delete log group: {name}")
raise # Re-raise the exception if it's not an AccessDeniedException
- print(f"Log groups actually deleted: {len(to_delete_groups) - len(failed_deletions)}")
+ print(
+ f"Log groups actually deleted: {len(to_delete_groups) - len(failed_deletions)}"
+ )
if failed_deletions:
- print(f"Failed to delete {len(failed_deletions)} log groups due to access denial:")
+ print(
+ f"Failed to delete {len(failed_deletions)} log groups due to access denial:"
+ )
for name in failed_deletions:
print(f" - {name}")
def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Delete CloudWatch log groups based on retention.")
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Delete CloudWatch log groups based on retention."
+ )
help="Keep log groups newer than this period (e.g., '5 days', '2 weeks', '1 months')",
- parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Perform a dry run without actually deleting log groups")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--dry-run",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Perform a dry run without actually deleting log groups",
+ )
args = parser.parse_args()
client = boto3.client("logs")
process_log_groups(client, args.keep, args.dry_run)
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def revoke_permissions(ec2_client, group_id, permissions):
for sg in permissions:
if sg.get("IpPermissions", []):
for rule in sg.get("IpPermissions", []):
- ec2_client.revoke_security_group_ingress(GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule])
- print("Revoked ingress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(group_id))
+ ec2_client.revoke_security_group_ingress(
+ GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule]
+ )
+ print(
+ "Revoked ingress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(
+ group_id
+ )
+ )
if sg.get("IpPermissionsEgress", []):
for rule in sg.get("IpPermissionsEgress", []):
- ec2_client.revoke_security_group_egress(GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule])
- print("Revoked egress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(group_id))
+ ec2_client.revoke_security_group_egress(
+ GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule]
+ )
+ print(
+ "Revoked egress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(
+ group_id
+ )
+ )
def delete_security_group(ec2_client, group_id):
print("Deleted Security Group ID: {}".format(group_id))
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# Modify the tag key and value to your own liking
tag_key = "ManagedByAmazonSageMakerResource"
tag_value_contains = f"arn:aws:sagemaker:{aws_region}:{account_id}:domain"
# Find security groups
- tagged_security_groups = find_security_groups(ec2_client, tag_key, tag_value_contains)
+ tagged_security_groups = find_security_groups(
+ ec2_client, tag_key, tag_value_contains
+ )
# Iterate through security groups, revoke permissions, and delete
for sg in tagged_security_groups:
group_id = sg["GroupId"]
# Fetch the current ingress and egress IP permissions
- sg = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(Filters=[{"Name": "group-id", "Values": [group_id]}]).get(
- "SecurityGroups", []
- )
+ sg = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(
+ Filters=[{"Name": "group-id", "Values": [group_id]}]
+ ).get("SecurityGroups", [])
# Revoke permissions
revoke_permissions(ec2_client, group_id, sg)
# Delete the security group
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def update_log_group_retention(group, retention):
if "retentionInDays" not in group or group["retentionInDays"] != retention:
- cloudwatch.put_retention_policy(logGroupName=group["logGroupName"], retentionInDays=retention)
+ cloudwatch.put_retention_policy(
+ logGroupName=group["logGroupName"], retentionInDays=retention
+ )
# Verify the update
- updated_group = cloudwatch.describe_log_groups(logGroupNamePrefix=group["logGroupName"])["logGroups"][0]
+ updated_group = cloudwatch.describe_log_groups(
+ logGroupNamePrefix=group["logGroupName"]
+ )["logGroups"][0]
if updated_group.get("retentionInDays") == retention:
return f"Successfully updated retention for: {group['logGroupName']}"
return f"Failed to update retention for: {group['logGroupName']}. Current retention: {updated_group.get('retentionInDays')}"
- return (
- f"CloudWatch Loggroup: {group['logGroupName']} already has the specified retention of {retention} days."
- )
+ return f"CloudWatch Loggroup: {group['logGroupName']} already has the specified retention of {retention} days."
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
return f"Error updating {group['logGroupName']}: {e}"
def count_retention_periods(cloudwatch_log_groups):
github-actions / Black
for group in cloudwatch_log_groups
if "retentionInDays" not in group or group["retentionInDays"] != retention
if not groups_to_update:
- print(f"All log groups already have the specified retention of {retention} days.")
+ print(
+ f"All log groups already have the specified retention of {retention} days."
+ )
print(f"Log groups that need to be updated to {retention} days retention:")
for group in groups_to_update:
current_retention = group.get("retentionInDays", "Not set")
github-actions / Black
updated_count = 0
failed_count = 0
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
future_to_group = {
- executor.submit(update_log_group_retention, group, retention): group for group in groups_to_update
+ executor.submit(update_log_group_retention, group, retention): group
+ for group in groups_to_update
for future in as_completed(future_to_group):
result = future.result()
if "Successfully updated" in result:
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help="Enter the retention in days for the CloudWatch Logs.",
- "--print-retention-counts", action="store_true", help="Print the number of log groups for each retention period"
+ "--print-retention-counts",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Print the number of log groups for each retention period",
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.print_retention_counts and args.retention is not None:
- parser.error("--print-retention-counts cannot be used with --retention argument")
+ parser.error(
+ "--print-retention-counts cannot be used with --retention argument"
+ )
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import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def setup_logging():
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
+ )
return logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_ec2_client_and_resource():
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return []
def get_used_key_pairs(ec2_resource):
- used_keys = set(instance.key_name for instance in ec2_resource.instances.all() if instance.key_name)
+ used_keys = set(
+ instance.key_name
+ for instance in ec2_resource.instances.all()
+ if instance.key_name
+ )
logger.info(f"Used Keys: {len(used_keys)} : {used_keys}")
return used_keys
except ClientError as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to retrieve used key pairs: {e}")
return set()
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ec2_client, ec2_resource = get_ec2_client_and_resource()
all_key_pairs = get_all_key_pairs(ec2_resource)
used_keys = get_used_key_pairs(ec2_resource)
- unused_keys = [key_pair.name for key_pair in all_key_pairs if key_pair.name not in used_keys]
+ unused_keys = [
+ key_pair.name for key_pair in all_key_pairs if key_pair.name not in used_keys
+ ]
logger.info(f"Unused Keys: {len(unused_keys)} : {unused_keys}")
if not unused_keys:
logger.info("No unused key pairs found.")
github-actions / Black
if __name__ == "__main__":
logger = setup_logging()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Delete unused EC2 key pairs")
- parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Perform a dry run without actually deleting key pairs")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--dry-run",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Perform a dry run without actually deleting key pairs",
+ )
args = parser.parse_args()
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# Delete the mount targets for the EFS filesystem
delete_mount_targets(efs_client, filesystem_id)
# Wait with exponential backoff
delay = (2**current_retry) + random.uniform(0, 1)
- print(f"Waiting for {delay} seconds before attempting to delete the EFS filesystem.")
+ print(
+ f"Waiting for {delay} seconds before attempting to delete the EFS filesystem."
+ )
# Delete the specified EFS filesystem
print("Deleted EFS Filesystem: {}".format(filesystem_id))
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print(f"Deleted task definition {arn}")
break # Break the loop if deletion was successful
except client.exceptions.ClientException as e:
if "Throttling" in str(e): # Check for throttling in the error message
- print(f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds...")
+ print(
+ f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds..."
+ )
backoff *= 2 # Exponential backoff
print(f"Client exception when deleting task definition {arn}: {e}")
break # Break the loop for other client exceptions
except client.exceptions.ServerException as e:
if "Throttling" in str(e): # Check for throttling in the error message
- print(f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds...")
+ print(
+ f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds..."
+ )
backoff *= 2 # Exponential backoff
print(f"Server exception when deleting task definition {arn}: {e}")
break # Break the loop for other server exceptions
github-actions / Black
group_id = None
if group_name:
group_response = identitystore.list_groups(
- Filters=[{"AttributePath": "DisplayName", "AttributeValue": group_name}],
+ Filters=[
+ {"AttributePath": "DisplayName", "AttributeValue": group_name}
+ ],
if group_response["Groups"]:
group_id = group_response["Groups"][0]["GroupId"]
- print(f"Group '{group_name}' not found. Users will be created without group assignment.")
+ print(
+ f"Group '{group_name}' not found. Users will be created without group assignment."
+ )
except ClientError as e:
print(f"Error checking group: {e}")
return [], emails
for email in emails:
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# If group_id is available, add user to the group
if group_id:
- IdentityStoreId=identity_store_id, GroupId=group_id, MemberId={"UserId": user_response["UserId"]}
+ IdentityStoreId=identity_store_id,
+ GroupId=group_id,
+ MemberId={"UserId": user_response["UserId"]},
print(f"Successfully created user: {email} ({first_name} {last_name})")
except ClientError as e:
github-actions / Black
return successful, failed
def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create SSO users from a list of email addresses.")
- parser.add_argument("--emails", nargs="+", required=True, help="List of email addresses")
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Create SSO users from a list of email addresses."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--emails", nargs="+", required=True, help="List of email addresses"
+ )
parser.add_argument("--group", help="Optional group name to assign users to")
args = parser.parse_args()
successful, failed = create_sso_users(args.emails, args.group)
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from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def setup_logging():
"""Configure logging for the script."""
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
+ )
return logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_used_security_groups(ec2, elb, elbv2, rds, logger, sg_type):
"""Collect all security groups in use."""
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# Application and Network Load Balancers
for lb in elbv2.describe_load_balancers()["LoadBalancers"]:
if "SecurityGroups" in lb:
- logger.debug(f"ALB/NLB without SecurityGroups: {lb.get('LoadBalancerName', 'Unknown')}")
+ logger.debug(
+ f"ALB/NLB without SecurityGroups: {lb.get('LoadBalancerName', 'Unknown')}"
+ )
except ClientError as e:
- logger.error(f"Error describing Application/Network Load Balancers: {str(e)}")
+ logger.error(
+ f"Error describing Application/Network Load Balancers: {str(e)}"
+ )
if sg_type in ["all", "rds"]:
# RDS Instances
for instance in rds.describe_db_instances()["DBInstances"]:
- used_sg.update(sg["VpcSecurityGroupId"] for sg in instance["VpcSecurityGroups"])
+ used_sg.update(
+ sg["VpcSecurityGroupId"] for sg in instance["VpcSecurityGroups"]
+ )
except ClientError as e:
logger.error(f"Error describing RDS instances: {str(e)}")
return used_sg
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response = ec2.describe_security_groups()
for sg in response["SecurityGroups"]:
group_name = sg["GroupName"].lower()
if sg_type == "all":
- elif sg_type == "ec2" and not (group_name.startswith("rds-") or group_name.startswith("elb-")):
+ elif sg_type == "ec2" and not (
+ group_name.startswith("rds-") or group_name.startswith("elb-")
+ ):
elif sg_type == "rds" and group_name.startswith("rds-"):
elif sg_type == "elb" and group_name.startswith("elb-"):